
Nov 28, 2002
San Fransisco, CA
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Okay so today I was bored and felt like buying some new music. I was glancing through Tower Records and noticed Extol. I had heard a couple songs from them and was fairly impressed. I noticed that "Burial" was only 9.99 so i thought what the heck? and took a risk. I have only listened to it once through but I am quite impressed. Of course it needs to sink in more but I could definitely see this band becomming a favorite. My question is: what cd would you reccomend next? From what Ive read undeceived is atleast as good or better and it has more clean vocals and vioilin (which I like).. should I get this one next or the new one? Thanks!
Undeceived dominates over all of their material...imo of course. But everything by Extol is great. I got a bunch of free merchanise of theirs because I did an internship at their old record label in Seattle. bwa ha ha!!!

that album is just epic. that album was the album that got me into extreme metal. one of the best bands to currently exist.

to answer maiden nz's question, synergy is very different from their older stuff. their older stuff is darker and more extreme. actually its more extreme and more mellow, depending on the song. go get undecieved and see what i mean

I think Synergy sucks, I don't see why they changed to metalcore/hardcore/neo-thrash whatever the hell you want to call it.
Synergy is good for being straightforward melo-thrash.

Undeceived is good for classical/jazz influenced melod-death with less clean vocals.

Take your pick.
Start with "Undeceived" (as the general consensus states) then move on to "Synergy." The EP's are worth looking up too, especially the "Paralysis EP."