Extra Silent Night, Bodom Night Lyrics


Dec 2, 2003
Glasgow, Scotland
I was just lookin at the lyrics in the sleeve inside Hatebreeder, and as i looked i noticed a extra verse in Silent Night, Bodom Night:
And now decades later
on this haunted shore
we all better take caution...
the reaper wants more...
Alexi doesn't even sing these in the song. So i was wondering, does anyone know why they are there?
SSJ4SephirothX said:
I've always wondered what Alexi says in Bed of Razors right before the solo.

Well why don't you go on my site and see? :) I'll put it for you here anyway.

Your arms are red
The autumn fades
Send me home
The autumn is over, so watch out

Near as I can figure, anyway. The last line always sounds like "for Russia!" to me instead of "so watch out" but that wouldn't make much sense now would it? ;)