Extreme Metal Bands Using Standard Tuning on Their Guitars


Sep 3, 2005
Does anyone know of any bands that use standard tuning on their guitars? That is E A D G B E.

I appreciate the help :)
i do. i hate down tuning my basses, so when i write on guitar, its always in E or B (6 and 7 string)
Cattle Decapitation still plays in E I believe. The old death metal band Insanity did as well, as did Opeth until the last album. Can't think of many other death metal bands off the top of my head though. Not contemporary ones, anyway.

But yeah, standard tuning has definitely been bigger in black metal. Emperor kept to it until Prometheus, and Darkthrone only started tuning down on the last few records. Actually, pretty much any older black metal record considered a classic is probably in E.

Katatonia's first record is in standard as well, which has been pretty unusual in doom for a while now.
If he means extreme as in all Black and Death metal than we can include Wintersun, and of course Atheist, I can't think of the rest at this time of night though. lol
Dimmu Borgir play in E, so do the Meads of Asphodel normally. Mostly a lot of black metal bands play in E, occasionally cutting out the mid-frequency in production leaving just the low and high end of the sound. Also if you consider thrash extreme metal, thrash music is usually in E tuning or only slighly lower (Eb or D)