Extreme Metal with the "Heavy Metal Yell"


Feb 22, 2007
So I was listening to Slayer's Angel of Death, and I really liked the yell in the beginning, and was wishing there was more of that type of vocal. So what are some good thrash, death, or black metal bands that utilize the clean, high pitched "Heavy Metal Yell" for most or all of their vocals? And if there is a Slayer album that uses those more than the rougher vocals that would be perfect.
Can you recommend certain specific albums? Looked up a few songs and it was just standard raspy thrash metal type yelling, rather than the clean heavy metal type yelling.
Okay...Kreator's last 2 have sorta clean yell, Sodom is generally pretty raspy, but M16 has a sorta mix of the rasp and clean yell.

I realize I'm not very helpful here, but tbh most stuff heavier than slayer is gonna have extreme vox.
I know, not expecting this to be simple, but hopefully someone will have heard of something, also it doesn't have to be heavier than slayer, as long as it's at least thrash metal.
Oh, in that case yes with the Kreator and Sodom.

Now, are you asking for high screaming like the intro to Angel of Death, or for that sorta clean shout, araya style?
Uh...for once, I have to agree that Iced Earth may be a valid recommendation. I warn you, though, they are neither particularly heavy nor particularly adept at working the vocals into the songs.
They're definitely one of the heaviest power metal bands, yeah. Ballsy guitar tone, for one thing.

I would also suggest checking out Alestorm.
This. Download the song The Coming Curse, and then from there, get the Something Wicked This Way Comes album.

As they would say on the intarwebs, "do it, faggot." :p
I would recommend starting off with the Alive in Athens cd. It has a decent collection of their songs.
Death Angel. Awesome thrash band, and their singer often screams at the top of his lungs (and even delivers some of the lyrics that way, which is really cool). Check out their first album, The Ultra-Violence.
Destruction - Trash Till Death
If you like Angel Of Death, you will like this one. Trust me, you'll know what I'm talking about when you hear it.