Extreme right party wins european elections in France


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
The FN got a bit more than 25% of votes yesterday. They won big time.

They won in 5 out of 8 electoral regions in france. Apparently, that could translate in about 30% of the french seats in the european parliament. The wikipedia page says 24 / 74 seats.

What it means, considering the party's ideology : less europe, more france giving a finger to the rest of the world, etc. They don't want the euro (the money) either and would like to go back to the Franc. Except that, they propose nothing except negative thinking which in essence is about canceling what we have been building since 70 years ago.

For those who don't know this party, it is a lot of things, and it is also this :

I am sick and ashamed
From what I understand, the voting returns showed them earning more votes from voters under 30 than from those 50 years old and above, which is the opposite of what you would expect. It also means the next generation of French voters is willing to vote for the FN at higher rates than their parents, which is awful.
The scary thing with the whole EU elections is that it looks as if history is repeating itself. The extreme right has had great elections everywhere. It's incredible how soon people forget.
Not just France, UK too. The Finns party here got two seats; the party used to be pretty much insignificant and now it's huge, and the amount of votes they get only seems to be on the rise. These guys have similar ideals, less EU, bringing back the markka etc.

Weird stuff. Isn't the Greek far-right party that got three seats practically neo-nazi?
This is shitty but If you look at the numbers for the whole Euro parliament, it changes next to nothing. Also, I think a lot of people used their vote as a way to protest and would never want the extreme

right to rule their country.

It's stupid and irresponsible but understandable. I think the issue is much more complex than just a big wave of xenophobia which exists but is not as massive as it seems.
Yep, UK Independence Party got the majorit of the vote here too. With all the news coverage they've been getting on the BBC it looks like they're real candidates for the next UK government (probably in a coalition with the Conservatives)

Worst part being that with their rise in popularity it's looking to drag the other mainstream parties further to the right too, we really don't seem to have a left wing voice in the UK at all tbh.

It's all looking a bit too much like V for Vendetta for my liking. I can only hope that everyone in Scotland votes for independence in September so we can get away from this lot!
I dont really like the sound of any of it but you can understand why tension is building .
If the main parties had more sensible policies then the right of centre wouldnt be rezonating quite as well with the 'Mob' .
I guess this is what happends when you tip toe around a political hot potato and let other groups address it .
Now Labour and Conservative etc are in danger of policy 'U' turns because they have let UKIP pick it up . It would have been far better if they had taken the flak and delt with it them selves after all despite their typical worm like tactics they have been in office and have track records some bad some good but most are at least predictable .
yeah, our nutjobs also gained quite a lot of votes.
I'm not 100% sure if you can translate those EU elections to national elections though.

But I'm not surprised that the extremists get vote around here. It's bound to happen when the big parties constantly fuck their shit up big time.
If it's any consolation I fully expect NY to continue to vote corrupt Democrats and Republicans that might as well be Democrats in. :lol:

Yep, we'll be fine here. White guilt is at an all time high and it doesn't look like that's changing any time soon.

People need to stop fighting the right-wingers with personal attacks, ad hominems, and strawmen. Fight with facts and enlighten people. Acting all holier-than-thou and throwing words like fascist and racist around does positively NOTHING to convince the common man or woman who just cares about the pragmatics of life, paying the bills, and raising kids.

Then there are the double-standards and hypocrisy. Independence for Scotland is seen as a pretty good thing for the majority of the UK. At the very least people have an attitude of "let the Scottish decide" which is how I tend to think. But talk about UK or English independence? Logic and reasoning fly straight out of the window and it becomes acusations of racism, xenophobia, and for some idiotic reason, Islamophobia. People make these connections in their head and just run with them, never bothering to check their confirmation bias at the door.

Sad state of affairs really. The hilarious thing is that the reason right-wing Independence movements all around Europe are taking hold of a growing proportion of the populous is because the left-wing side are increasingly sounding like crazy people.

Anyway... I'm pretty much apolitical. I don't believe in huge solutions. I believe in targeted context-aware solutions. I guess I have libertarian leanings.
Looks like the rightwing got a bump here too. Pirate party lost their seats.

Born and raised in New York City. Not some suburb, not some European nation. If I've got something to say on the matter, that should count for something.

(Assuming that lackluster, comedic statement was directed at me.)
Born and raised in New York City. Not some suburb, not some European nation. If I've got something to say on the matter, that should count for something.

(Assuming that lackluster, comedic statement was directed at me.)

This is why people hate Americans. The Pirate Party is a political party in Sweden.