Extremely dark and gritty music


Oct 28, 2009
I'm not quite sure how to explain this but I'll try my best. I'm looking for music that evokes images of dark, creepy, industrial settings, like you would find in games like Silent Hill or Condemned, or movies like Saw or Hostel. Music that would make you feel uncomfortable if you listened to it in the dark.

If you still don't know what I mean, here's an image to give you the idea of the theme I'm looking for:


I'd prefer if the lyrics had a similar theme but it's not really that important.
It won't elicit the exact feeling that you suggested, but quite close to it. The Death Of Music by Devin Townsend has that kinda scary effect, not to mention, the eeire surreal effect.
Given your description the first thing that comes to mind is early industrial music and dark ambient, but I guess it really depends how far away from anything that might traditionally be considered 'music' you're willing to get, lol.

Stuff like Maeror Tri, Thomas Köner, Troum, Lustmord, Final, Lull etc. is what I would consider most evocative of the scenes you describe, but it's pretty far away from metal and often kind of lacking in features like, uh, melody or any kind of development.

Within metal I guess the closest things I could think of as evoking that kind of atmosphere are like, Beherit's Drawing Down the Moon, dISEMBOWELMENT's Transcendence Into the Peripheral, and of course Burzum's first album... which you should have heard already. And while I've never been that big a fan, Silencer's Death... Pierce Me does a good job of evoking that kind of atmosphere too, I think. Still I think there's kind of a limit to how desolate an atmosphere can be achieved when your songs have vocals, lol.

I guess I'll also mention Stalaggh in the hope that I can save everyone from another tedious recounting of that band's mythos.
These are good but, unfortunately, not really what I'm looking for. I'm looking for stuff more like The Axis of Perdition or the Silent Hill game soundtracks.
Given your description the first thing that comes to mind is early industrial music and dark ambient, but I guess it really depends how far away from anything that might traditionally be considered 'music' you're willing to get, lol.

Stuff like Maeror Tri, Thomas Köner, Troum, Lustmord, Final, Lull etc. is what I would consider most evocative of the scenes you describe, but it's pretty far away from metal and often kind of lacking in features like, uh, melody or any kind of development.

Within metal I guess the closest things I could think of as evoking that kind of atmosphere are like, Beherit's Drawing Down the Moon, dISEMBOWELMENT's Transcendence Into the Peripheral, and of course Burzum's first album... which you should have heard already.

I guess I'll also mention Stalaggh in the vain hope that I can save everyone from another tedious recounting of that band's mythos.

These are more like it! Thanks!
Stillhet - Gjemt I Skyggene actually has a Yamaoka cover if you're interested (aptly titled "Silent Hill")
some more;

Slagmaur (Norway)

Void of Silence - Human Antithesis(Not my kind of music, but it was good for what it is, and has exceptional vocals from a former member of primoridal.
The Axis of Perdition - Deleted Scenes from the Transition Hospital is the album you are looking for.

EDIT: Oh wait, you mentioned them in one of your later posts. Sorry.
If you want gritty and industrial go for Alien Deviant Circus.