EZ Drummer DFH EZX sample...

I sorta don't understand what you guys mean by "sounds fake".

80% of all drums on metal records these days do sound fake (if you compare it to what the drums sound like in a room) and therefore I think EZX DFH does exactly what it is supposed to do. I do understand what Tornio is saying about the cymbals and I really think it doesn't matter in the final product because no one (except for the 0,01% of the engineers listening) gives a shit about these details.

Yet EZDrummer allows any talentless demoband to surpass the drumsound of many professional productions. For less than 200 bucks.

I don't see how anyone can find fault with that ...
HERE'S more ToonTrack demos using all the EZXpansion packs.

Checkout these two DFH EZX demos!
Meshuggahs DFH EZX -demo!
Naglfars DFH EZX demo!!!:OMG:

And that's what EZX sounds like when you spend more than 20 minutes with the plain samples.


Vintage Rock jam 3:rock:
Latin Percussion's Schoolband jam:kickass:
The Percussion/Vintage demos are way better imo. Excellent(The "lip service song" is soooo cool). Oh wait, that's not metal...:goggly:
DFH (EZX or not) still has that boxy midrangey room sound. Definitely not my taste.:Puke: They'd better go for a completely new Metal Kit.
Checking out the artist demos of EZX DFH. The drums sound so thin and fake on all of them. From what I can hear the crashes are passable, the snares are abysmal and the kick is nothing special.

It's a shame. This is nowhere near the DFHS-killer that some people hoped it'd be. Here's to hoping for another dedicated metal expansion.
That is a shame if it's the case. I had my hopes up on this expansion. I'm using the stock EZD and replacing kicks around 70% and 50% on snares with drumagog as it is, but figured I'd at least have a lot more useable options this time around.

I love the interface but not sure if there's benefit in buying the expansion then. Will have to check out some more demos tonight methinks.
Moonlapse said:
It's a shame. This is nowhere near the DFHS-killer that some people hoped it'd be. Here's to hoping for another dedicated metal expansion.

Not trying to start a spat. But can you please..... please point me to the post or site where someone said EZ drummer would be a D.F.H.S. killer? EZ drummer is for the people who want a quick fix. For people who really can't program or don't have the time to program a full song and have it sound like a realistic drummer, or can't afford D.F.H.S. Sorry to hear that you thought a $70-$80 add-on to EZ drummer would make it blow away a 85,000 24bit files, 35 gig big library:lol: :lol: :lol:
In the end, they are all tools in the arsenal. What you do with them is up to you. Some can make KILLER music, some sit back talk about how good they think it should be and post, and post, and post....and post (dust starts clollecting on instruments:) )..... and post......and post.......and post.....

Kenny Lee said:
Not trying to start a spat. But can you please..... please point me to the post or site where someone said EZ drummer would be a D.F.H.S. killer? EZ drummer is for the people who want a quick fix. For people who really can't program or don't have the time to program a full song and have it sound like a realistic drummer, or can't afford D.F.H.S. Sorry to hear that you thought a $70-$80 add-on to EZ drummer would make it blow away a 85,000 24bit files, 35 gig big library:lol: :lol: :lol:
In the end, they are all tools in the arsenal. What you do with them is up to you. Some can make KILLER music, some sit back talk about how good they think it should be and post, and post, and post....and post (dust starts clollecting on instruments:) )..... and post......and post.......and post.....


I thought your clip was pretty good...
Kenny Lee said:
Not trying to start a spat. But can you please..... please point me to the post or site where someone said EZ drummer would be a D.F.H.S. killer? EZ drummer is for the people who want a quick fix. For people who really can't program or don't have the time to program a full song and have it sound like a realistic drummer, or can't afford D.F.H.S. Sorry to hear that you thought a $70-$80 add-on to EZ drummer would make it blow away a 85,000 24bit files, 35 gig big library:lol: :lol: :lol:
In the end, they are all tools in the arsenal. What you do with them is up to you. Some can make KILLER music, some sit back talk about how good they think it should be and post, and post, and post....and post (dust starts clollecting on instruments:) )..... and post......and post.......and post.....


I can't recall the exact post, but a member on here was ready to ditch his DFHS in favor of the DFH Expansion.

Something about convenience and not having to deal with tons of variables, yadi yadi yada...

I agree that it's a great demo tool, but I think what you're missing is this: You're paying $70-80 for an add-on with samples more sterile than in the stock package. I've seen nothing in those samples to convince me that purchasing the DFH Expansion over using the stock sounds is a sound thing to do.

Plus, this is an engineering forum... all we do is post, post, post, while dust collects on our shit. It's the nature of the lifestyle. We love talking shit about gear and how it can be better ;)

On the other hand, post the samples on a musicians' forum and they'd probably drop their load at the lack of fuss when programming.
Guys, let's wait until it actually gets released to the public and hear some other user samples before making any judgements. No offense to Kenny in any way, but I'm sure there will be a user with more experience in engineering that will have a clip eventually. Nobody knows exactly what Kenny did to anything in the clips, so just wait and see once it actually gets released.

Glad to see everyone being good hearted about this. Those clips I did in 20 minutes. Literally, I got the betas' and just started draggging and dropping midi files, made up a rythym and bounced it. Maybe the Ozone did something that some dislike to the sounds, I don't know.

I made a mistake too.... there's 8,000 midi files Oops. I'll try to find some time this weekend and grab some drinks/ lock the door/ and make a decent clip to listen to. With post work and all the goodies thrown in it. I've been fortunate to have the 'full' version for about a week now and I'll definitely stress test it tomorrow night!
Time permitting I'll mix and match ALL the DFH samples.. time permitting... With having the D.F.H.S. and C&V with add-on and EZ drummer and DFH 1 with add-on. You will have QUITE a warehouse of drums/kicks/snares/ and cymbals!
I think someone asked it you could use the midi's of EZ drummer in D.F.H.S.? I'm not sure and don't want to mislead someone and take a goofy guess! But you can just bring those midi files over into a D.F.H.S. session and manually move them (It's easy in Logic Pros Hyper ediitor window). I've done it with DFH 1 midi's into a D.F.H.S. session.

Take it easy friends... I've posted more in the last few days, then I have in months! Time to turn off the World Wide Web of death:zombie:


----EDITED--->:zombie: I was wrong again... 20,000 midi files in the DFH EZXpansion.
Yeah, compared to the original, the snare has more body in it on the EZX one, but otherwise I'm pretty excited about the kit used on the Nocturnal Rites stuff.
kinda off topic.....but i have a question about the regular EZ DRummer
When you go into the groove library to drag and drop the groove patterns you want to use.....Where are the cymbals????? i see were you can have the ride and hihat(closed/open).....but there are no cymbals in the midi files......i can see were i can open up the drum editor and Add cymbals if i want...But why aren't they already in the premade midi patterns?
any help would be awesome