EZDrummer/Guitar Pro problem


May 26, 2010
Dayton, Ohio
Yes I am still using EZDrummer. All my POS comp can handle at the moment.
My problem is that my other guitarist and I both write drum tracks on Guitar Pro 5 and then export the midi tracks into Sonar 8 PE. From there the midi goes through the EZ then as needed gets processed and replaced with samples occasionally. Have been doing it this way for a long time and just happened to notice that I have 4 toms written. i.e. H tom M tom L tom and F tom. The issue is that EZ only recognizes the 1st 3 toms and not the floors. It seems to compensate for all 4 and shoves the rhythm of the floor tom into one of the others. I verfied both drum maps from GP 5 and EZ and they match for the toms I am using but still EZ does not play back or trigger the floor tom. Even though the piano roll says it is there. Anyone know what the issue could be. I tried a bunch of different kits, using DFH btw. Does not change anything. Basically Floor toms fail. Any insight? Thanks for any help you guys can give.
I usually delete all MIDI events apart from the actual notes to get rid of guitar pro stuff, when I get MIDI from guitar pro and put it in Logic it automatically changes my channel strip volume to +2.6dB. Deleting all the unnecessary MIDI stuff fixes that. If the floor tom hits aren't on the right note then obviously move the FT hits, but as I understand it you have them on the right note.

One other thing with MIDI from guitar pro is that all the hits are at a fixed velocity, 70 or something like that, which make the drums sound like shit. If you don't already do this, go in and manually fix the velocities of your different drums. It takes 30 seconds to do it roughly and it makes a huge difference.
I usually select every note in GP (the drums) and set them to the highest velocity (for the harder parts, if there are softer parts I ofcourse set them softer). After that I use the humanize option to make them a little more human, and adjust them manually after that.
As I said, the notes are all correct. I can't move move them to the floor toms if they are already there. I am using 43 and 41 for the toms which according to both drum maps are floor toms.
If I remember correctly, doesn't EZDrummer only have 2 rack toms and 1 floor tom in the default kit? In that case, the MIDI data wouldn't trigger one of the tom tracks because you can only have a maximum of 3 toms. If you need 4 toms, just take that same MIDI track after triggering with EZDrummer and set up the missing tom data to trigger another EZDrummer tom (if you have other kits) or some tom samples in another sampler altogether.
If I remember correctly, doesn't EZDrummer only have 2 rack toms and 1 floor tom in the default kit? In that case, the MIDI data wouldn't trigger one of the tom tracks because you can only have a maximum of 3 toms. If you need 4 toms, just take that same MIDI track after triggering with EZDrummer and set up the missing tom data to trigger another EZDrummer tom (if you have other kits) or some tom samples in another sampler altogether.

this. Ezdrummer won't do more than 3 toms, be it floor, rack or whatever. So if you need the extra tom, just use a different sample or another instance of Ezdrummer in another track. Cut the extra tom notes from the midi file you're using and create another midi track with just the tom hits and use whatever sample/sampler you want for that extra tom