EZX Mapping

Dec 10, 2012
Washington, DC
What do you guys do with regard to key mapping for EZX's, Metal Machine in particular? I'm using Reaper. There are downloadable key maps, but they make the midi packs unusable because they shift the notes around and such. I'm going through myself right now and renaming the notes to the drum hits, but it's a royal pain in the ass because I think they have separate notes keyed to separate velocities for individual drums.

edit: And this is probably stupid anyway, because the left cymbal is like 20 notes away from the left cymbal choke. But as I said, if I reorganize them I can't use imported midi files. fffffuuuuu-
I think the default Superior / EZD mappings try to remain as compatible as possible with the standard GM mapping while also adding new stuff (obviously replacing the random shit that isn't available in normal drum kits). I'm guessing this is because e-drum kits will typically use the GM map by default?
The Manual of EZX / Superior has the mapping laid out. Type it in once, save the drummap, done. Also I don't know about Reaper but in Cubase you can just put whatever note you want next to any other and it only affects the interface but not the actual mapping. Quite useful for laying it out Kick, Snare, Toms etc. top to bottom (or however you'd like to use it).
It's hidden pretty well but in the top right corner of EZDrummer's graphical interface there is a little "?". Click on that and the bottom of the appearing list will show all your installed EZXs. There's an option "MIDI Layout" in the corresponding submenu. That's where you want to go.

You can also access EZDrummer's general manual from that menu.