F*cking doctors!


Bloody vaginal belch
Oct 20, 2007

So Ive had some problems with an irritation in my ear passage for some time.
I went to the doctors a while ago(3-4 months, cant remember exactly when.), and i got these drops to put in my ear(Costs about 15$).
The drops didn't work, so i went to the doctor again, told them that the drops didn't work, got a new prescription for the same drops.
The doctor said my ear passage looked better, so they "had worked" but that i needed to use them for a little longer.

They didn't work that time either! So now Ive paid 30 bucks for medicine that didn't work, and i don't have any income, and there is no way that i will be able to get a job(All jobs are taken here in Sweden.).

Now i went to another doctor, who prescribed a new medicine(That apparently kills every single ear infection/irritation/fungus known to man.).
So i go down to the ********, and pick up the medicine, go to the counter: 6$ !!!!!! :yell:

So why the f*ck did that f*cking asshole of a doctor prescribe a medicine that costs 15$ instead of that f*cking miracle medicine that costs 6$!?!?

Im so pissed of now, because Ive been so poor lately, that Ive almost had to pull the strings of my guitar, boil them, and put them back on because i couldn't afford new ones.

I know that 30$ don't seem like much money for most of you guys on this forum, but for me who is 19 years old, cant get a job(Because they are none.), and lives with my mom and dad, 30$ is a lot of money.

Just had to let some steam of.

End of rant.
Betcha it's that cheap stuff you can pick up at any drug store to clean your ear canal. :\

That's why I avoid health care as much as possible. Usually seems like a rip off.
Hell yes, I know how it feels. I fell of my bike last summer, and got a broken hand and a nasty infected wound. For the wound I needed to get anti-biotics and other shit, that cost a few hundred SEK. I barely had any cash at all, so I was kinda fucked. But luckily my GF had a job at that point and payed for it.

And don't get me started on looking for work here in Sweden! :lol:

EDIT: I mean what the fuck was I supposed to do, not get the meds and just wait until I'm sick enough so that they have to admit me and just hope they don't have to amputate?
Thats a sucky situation.
I've had some bad experiences with doctors. a while ago i had a severe dose of glandular fever. i was in and out of the doctors clinic for months and he just couldn't figure it out. in the end i had to diagnose myself and tell him "looks like i have glandular fever", and he was like "oh, ok.... "

that shit lasted nearly a year before i was even diagnosed.
Betcha it's that cheap stuff you can pick up at any drug store to clean your ear canal. :

That's why I avoid health care as much as possible. Usually seems like a rip off.

Nah, the first medicine i got was hydrocortisone that is supposed to get rid of irritations/infections in the ear passage.
The second one had some other wierd stuff in it, but was apparently much better, because it gets rid of the irritations, inflamtions, infections and any eventual fungus.

I try to avoid health care too, for the same reason, but i couldn't listen to music for more then 15 minutes at a time, and couldn't wear headphones at all because it hurt so much. :erk:

Hell yes, I know how it feels. I fell of my bike last summer, and got a broken hand and a nasty infected wound. For the wound I needed to get anti-biotics and other shit, that cost a few hundred SEK. I barely had any cash at all, so I was kinda fucked. But luckily my GF had a job at that point and payed for it.

And don't get me started on looking for work here in Sweden! :lol:

Damn, that sucks!
Still good that it worked out for you.

Haha, there wont be any jobs as long as this guy is in charge:

Thats a sucky situation.
I've had some bad experiences with doctors. a while ago i had a severe dose of glandular fever. i was in and out of the doctors clinic for months and he just couldn't figure it out. in the end i had to diagnose myself and tell him "looks like i have glandular fever", and he was like "oh, ok.... "

that shit lasted nearly a year before i was even diagnosed.

Jesus tap dancing christ.
If that happened to me, i would seriously beat the shit out of my doctor! >;/

Well, i guess its good that you could diagnose your self! ;)
OP: Do you know if the infection was bacterial, viral, fungal...? It's possible that the second drug was one of those last-resort-only types that some doctors try to prescribe as little as possible out of fear of 'causing' soooper-bugs.
OP: Do you know if the infection was bacterial, viral, fungal...? It's possible that the second drug was one of those last-resort-only types that some doctors try to prescribe as little as possible out of fear of 'causing' soooper-bugs.

Well, it was an irritation at first, that evolved into an bacterial infection, that i probably got rid of, but instead got an fungal infection.

It wasnt one of those ultra superduper strong medications with strong antibiotics in it, but the first one i got was just that!

On the other hand, our local health clinic is know to be stupid as f*ck:

My friends little sister went there when she was 7 years old, she had pains in her stomach that where so severe she almost couldn't move.
They claimed that she was constipated and prescribed a mild laxative, but luckily, her parents didn't buy that, so they brought her to the nearest hospital, where they diagnosed her with a ruptured appendix!
She would have died if they didn't had brought her so much as an hour later.

They tried to wring my dads "dislocated" finger into possition again.
It turned out afterwards that he had a crack in the bone, and they basically pulverized it(And he only had one hand from an industrial accident when he was young.).

Another friends dad fell down a stair and broke his ribcage and a punctured lung, they claimed that he only was a little bit sore, so they gave him aspirin and sent him home(He went directly to the nearest hospital of course.).

I think any of those doctors would have been sued a thousand times over if they were in Australia or the US... (not that thats necessarily a good or a bad thing) - there's no legal action you can take, or want to take (especially over your friend's sister!)?

I think any of those doctors would have been sued a thousand times over if they were in Australia or the US... (not that thats necessarily a good or a bad thing) - there's no legal action you can take, or want to take (especially over your friend's sister!)?

Here in Sweden we cant even sue the doctors if a person dies because of their mistakes(Unless the doctor can be proved to have done it on purpose.).

Socialized medicine is scary.

Meh, its both good and bad.
The good part is that i don't have to pay 1000$ for a check up.
The bad part is that i still have to pay for everything except surgeries, even though we have the highest tax pressure in the world(The UK can afford that, and almost free medicines, with not nearly as high tax pressure.).

We have good health care in Sweden, and some of the best doctors in the world, but its almost impossible to sue doctors for malpractice, we have to pay for our visits(After turning 18, not so expensive on the other hand.), and it just so happens to be that we have all the shittiest doctors down in our health clinic.
Internet/wiki FTW, it took my doctor 8 years to diagnose my colitis, and me only a few mouseclicks once I started to see the pattern. The doctor claiming I had 'too much stress in my dayjob' and stuff like that, turned out me quitting smoking flamed up the colitis, a well-known fact. So now I started smoking again and most of my trouble is gone. I'm actually looking forward to lungcancer, dying a couple of years sooner from a morphine OD doesn't compare with every day in intestinal agony. :heh:
When I broke my hand, (actually the "scaphoid bone" according to a quick google) I had nothing but a great experience with the healtcare. Okay, that's not completely true. It was like this:

I broke the damn thing by falling off my bike, and got a nasty wound in my left elbow aswell. I went to the emergency room and the guy there told me wo wait for a doctor regarding the hand, and put a huge band-aid on my wound, saying that if I just clean it every now and then it'll be fine. The doctor came around and examined my hand, sent me up for x-ray and then came to me saying it was propably "a pretty bad sprain" (I think that's what it's called in english). BUT, he was suspicious that I might have infact broken my scaphoid bone, and that you usually couldn't tell in x-ray for about three weeks. So he sent me down to the hand-surgeon the following day.

The hand surgeon was one of the most proffesional and skilled people I have ever met, and she looked at it and confirmed that it looked like the scaphoid bone, but that we couldn't be sure without an MRI. Now here is the kicker: Just to be sure, I asked here about the wound on my arm, and removed the band-aid from my elbow. She looked at it for about a second and said "That's infected. It needs to be cleaned right away and you need to go on a anti-biotics cure. There is no other way". What followed next was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced, since it involved a nurse picking up gravel and other shit from half-inch deep open wound. But I was just happy I asked!

A day or two later I got the MRI, and it was confirmed and I got to choose between longtime bandages, or a surgery and short time bandaging. I went with the surgery. So now I have a titanium screw through my picking hand, and need doctors notes if I want to get on airplanes.

Then I was forced to deal with the same type of people as Notuern, for treating my wound, changing band-aids, cleaning n shit. So all in all, when you get higher up, they are fucking ace pros, and lower down you don't know who the hell you are dealing with. Kinda sucks, but yeah. Like this thread says, get second opinions.
Well, I'm a medicine student, so I really disagree with you in this about medics not knowing what they do, but anyways, I've had some bad experiences with them, like going to the doctor cuz of a bad cold and the doctor sent me home with prescription for Lorazepam (antidepressive benzodiazepine...) of course i didn't take.

You know, medical insurance is not that expensive (maybe in Swede it is...) but worth the extra bucks.

BTW: that irritation > bacterian infection > fungal infecion seems really fucked up man, never heard about anything similar... Take care man ;)
I feel ya.

I completely mutilated my left hand's ring and middle fingers by running them through a table saw (that was stupid, I can't recommend it to anyone) a while back and the doctor thought it was ok if she just glued the parts of flesh together. Next morning I realised the middle finger had bled through the bandage and went to show it. Another doctor opened it up and noticed the glue hadn't done it's job and the fingers had lots of dead flesh on them. Apparently the glue and glue stitches weren't nearly enough in the first place. She sliced the dead parts of my fingers with a knife (it was pretty fucked up to watch that happen, again, can't recommend) and in the end I needed eight stitches and some glue stitches on the middle finger alone. At that point it was completely possible that I wouldn't be able to use those fingers for guitar playing ever again, and god damn was I pissed at the doctor that I saw first.

Gladly they're working normally again, still can't feel the side of the middle finger where the dead parts were, but it ain't a big deal.
Socialized medicine is scary.

Yes, it's terrifying to go through life without ever paying for medical treatment. Having my knee 'scoped back in 2004 for the low low cost of absolutely nothing was one of the most horrifying experiences of my life.

Sorry dude, in case you didn't catch on, that was sarcasm. A government-run medical system is nowhere nearly as bad as the Republicans are trying to tell you it is. Truthfully, some things are just too important to trust to a profit-motivated corporation. You should ask yourself why the richest, most powerful nation on Earth can't afford health care for it's citizens.