F**k my PC wont start, help ?


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
Just had a pb i had NEVER had in my existence : my pc suddenly clean crashed.

I mean : no bsod, it turned off brutally, and won't start. No bip, no light, no response. There is no on/off switch (only the front button), the cable is ok I checked on my old computer.

I need your input on that cause I know there are more pc skills here than in the packard bell service and they are closed until Monday.

I'm thinking this is an alimentation problem but I have no multimeter to check. It just doesn't even turns on. The fans don't even start, absolutely nothing starts.

What else can it be ? What to do ?
Ça sent effectivement le problème d'alimentation à plein nez... (PSU ou power supply unit en anglais :tickled: haha)
Tu es francais ? :)

I'm checking the power unit visually. For those who are used to mount their pc : can you confirm the button can be linked to the motherboard directly and not to the power unit ? It seems mine is like that.

I don't wanna send the pc just for a power unit. I'd rather buy a good one that will last forever, but I wanna be sure it will solve my pb.
Tu es francais ? :)
Et ouaip...;)

Normalement ton alim doit se détacher sans problème de la carte mère faut juste appuyer sur le côté du connecteur (au bout du toron) avant de tirer. Y a un mécanisme de pince en général.
Il y a un fusible à l'intérieur du bloc la plupart du temps mais faut être très prudent si tu décides de l'ouvrir. Pense à vider le condo en mettant le bouton sur ON hors tension. Et même après ça, il peut encore rester du jus à l'intérieur.
Pour info cette alimentation n'a pas de ON/OFF à l'arrière de l'ordi. Ca sent la bouse si ça plante en un mois sans même pousser l'ordi à bout. Au passage t'es d'où ? :)

Well i fucking hope it is the alim... If so, it will be easy : buy a new one from a good brand, change, and i hope DONE. I just need to be sure it's that and not the motherboard. The MB is shitty, so shitty I can't even be sure of its type, cause it has been adapted and limited by Packard Bell. But still, I would be surprized... If the MB died, would it also be the same symptoms : no reaction ?
power supply has died i reckon.
Now you just gotta hope it didnt take your drives, motherboard, preocessor and ram with it
Well I don't think it has exploded, there was no noise, no smell, nothing visible so I hope no component has been touched.

My other computer has an alim but I'm not sure testing it could be a good idea, the one that supposedly died is a 450W and my old one is a 300W.
Usually if your motherboard has taken a shit, you can still get some function out of certain parts, since the PSU will still feed them. So it's probably the PSU that went.

Mine broke the other day as well, so I had to fork out $120 for an upgrade. But I went ahead and changed the CPU while I was at it. And then today the fan on my graphics card took a shit, and of course its a special fan, so I can't just put a new one in, gotta buy a whole new card :-(
Pour info cette alimentation n'a pas de ON/OFF à l'arrière de l'ordi. Ca sent la bouse si ça plante en un mois sans même pousser l'ordi à bout. Au passage t'es d'où ? :)
Hautes-pyrénées :puke:

Si j'étais toi, j'en achèterais une neuve de marque genre Antec ou Enermax. C'est plus cher mais ça dure plus longtemps, ça préserve mieux ta carte mère et en plus c'est plus silencieux.
Après, même si ton problème est ailleurs (Carte mère grillée... Plus emmerdant forcément...) ça peut toujours servir.

Edit: Si c'est du Parkard Bell... Il faut être sûr qu'une nouvelle alim peut rentrer dans le boitier. Ils ont la fâcheuse habitude de limiter l'évolutivité de leurs machines pour obliger les utilisateurs à n'utiliser que leur marque.
It's possible that something may need reseated. Remove and reinstall all cables and memory. This can happen in environments with a lot of vibration. But I agree with the above posters; it's likely the PS and sometimes those can be a real bitch to replace depending on your case design.
@Wolfeman : Thanks that's what I was not sure of. So it seems it's the PSU. I'm reading stuff and it seems there is a lot of chances it's just the PSU that was shitty and nothing should have been touched. I need to try though. What sucks is that we are saturday and I'm not sure if I can find one locally.

@Burny : Je serai à toulouse le mois de janvier :) Ouais je pense acheter une bonne alim qui me durera en cas de changement de config pas trop poussé. Enermax est super cher je vais me rabattre sur Antec ou bien la première alim soit disant silencieuse si c'est pas trop cher. Et oui quoi qu'il arrive je pense la changer donc au pire ça coûte rien et je serai fixé vite. Je pense pas que ça ait grillé, j'ai lu des mecs avec des histoires d'alim qui pète carrément, fusible mort, fumée et tout, et les composants souvent n'ont rien car le fusible et l'alim font tampon en théorie et certains cartes meres ont des protections intégrées, bien que je pense pas que la mienne soit comme ça vu que c'est le bas de gamme des cm en i7.

@MKS : ok I'll change the psu and if it doesn't work I'll reseat what I can. And yeah it seems a pain in the ass to replace, my case is a mid-sized one but it's not a big one, it will be a pain.

Anyway, you are awesome, I posted 2 thread on dedicated PC hardware forums and still no answer. I love this board.

My favourite computer components internet shop (www.materiel.net) has a local shop right where I live (in fact they are FROM here) so I think I'm gonna drive there today cause I remember you can buy something there so I may solve this problem today if everything is alright.
Yeah, my pc did exactly the same thing recently, only I had a run whereby I could keep turning it on if I repeatedly pressed the startup button over and over, then one day it just died after I'd left it on for two days because I knew if I turned it off it'd probably flat out stop operating.

Almost definitely a PSU problem, if its a RAM or Hard Drive issue then normally the pc will only get so far, but if theres no boot at all then almost a dead cert its a PSU failure.
Not it's -.. long short short bips. I should have an AMI bios which means it's my graphic card which is not set properly. Maybe it's dead ? It's so strange...