Fake COB Facebook Profiles, Beware


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
Do the band members have MySpace or Facebook accounts open for fans?

No! Beware the several fake ones around.

I'm a bit fed up with the fact thousands of people around the world worship these fake profiles. Such as "Henkka Seppälä" on FB with 1500 friends. It's an elaborate hoax, the pics organized in the albums appear really insideish and it's quite faschinating how the person has got hold of them, however everytime he posts it's clear as daylight the poster is a 14-year-old nolifer who gets kicks out of people being interested in every silly thing he says. He's also chatting publicly with a supposed Janne Warman or Wirman, has every band member (even Alexi) in friends list... I guess most of the people not realizing the hoax do not visit here, but I'll post this nevertheless cos it's so annoying.
Most fans of COB are probably 13-16-years old, so I'm not suprised they are easily deceived. But on the other hand, I always thought it's funny, that COB sells hundreds of thousands of albums, and their official messageboard has like 20-30 active posters. Maybe messageboards are a bit last season, but there are a lot of bands which are much smaller than COB, and still have a lot more active forums. Well, I guess that only underlines the average age of your average COB-fan, and the fact, that in Facebook they probably have a million people writing on their wall every day.
I think there's more shortage of active members here since Relentless Reckless Forever than there ever was. It looks like most of the old fans have left, and the new ones haven't brought any discussion to this forum, it tells the new fans are different than the older ones. If I want to discuss or look for something interesting about a band, I go to their messageboard, not Facebook like the drooling puberty. Also, Alexi is not the same anymore he was ten years ago, so we no longer have the <3 teen girl fans.
I agree with Necroraven. If you compare this forum to the facebook fanpage, it's no competition. You have thousands of people writing there and the usual 20 people here (not counting the offtopic trolls :lol: ). I'm also a bit sick and tired of people constantly making threads or claims, that they have or know "the real facebook of alexi zomg!". So I think there should be a sticky or something to let people know there ain't such shit.
This forum is dying. Mainly due to the bad reception new comers get off a lot of you old timers. They come and ask a stupid question and you give them grief. And Joonas why are you so bothered about facebook. Who cares? I have already explained that K-man, Janne, Henkka etc. DO have a facebook. It's interesting to watch K-man have a chat/joke around with Janne. I personally think it's a good thing.
This forum is dying. Mainly due to the bad reception new comers get off a lot of you old timers.

It's not like this place gets many newcomers anymore. And if someone registers here to ask what lipstick Alexi uses, I'm quite sure he's not up to any intelligent discussions anyway.
It's not like this place gets many newcomers anymore. And if someone registers here to ask what lipstick Alexi uses, I'm quite sure he's not up to any intelligent discussions anyway.

Haha, I can agree with you that some people come on here to annoy others, But I think many are intimidated by the 'usual' posters. Many of them may be like me. I've been a member since 2006, but I usually just check on for interviews and news etc. Every so often to read one of Joonas's crazy descriptions :D
I agree with Necroraven. If you compare this forum to the facebook fanpage, it's no competition. You have thousands of people writing there and the usual 20 people here (not counting the offtopic trolls :lol: ).
And of those thousands of people, 30% is spam, 50% is telling them they should play in South-East Uzbekistan and 19% is "OMg you are so awzomess!!11!"

So this forum is far better off. Not in the last place because of Sleepers fast info, interviews and pics and Joonas's theories.
So this forum is far better off. Not in the last place because of Sleepers fast info, interviews and pics and Joonas's theories.

Also there's a lot of guitar and musical knowledge of theory and practise here especially concerning Bodom songs.

Sometimes I think many active users left because they got enough of my crazy as fuck conspiracies and philosophies.
If you compare this forum to the facebook fanpage, it's no competition. You have thousands of people writing there and the usual 20 people here

Quality, not quantity ;)

So this forum is far better off. Not in the last place because of Sleepers fast info, interviews and pics and Joonas's theories.

Thanks, kilon. And I wouldn't have Joonas (and his theories) any other way :)
I think some of the usual trolls moved to facebook because of it's popularity. People coming here encounter the uber-troll. Like as in you guys are mostly probably all one person. It scares people off knowing that coming here is a test/gateway to something entirely different.
affectation not allotment nor abundance?

next you'll be extolling the virtues of nihility and discharge.

Personally, I'm plotting to vitiate all constitutions and aggregates because people are so fixated on preponderance.

For me it's always been about candor and veracity. I am so done with the guileful and treacherous.

Beguilement is a useful trait, but when you have to stand constantly veiled in front of your friends you are no friend at all. A dram of versimilitude goes a long way.