Fake Cymbals for KSE?


charting my way to top :)
Feb 9, 2005
I was listening to the song The End of Heartache the other day, and I noticed the cymbals sound really fake in some parts of the song. What do you guys think?
*I am in no way trying to bash KSE, they rock*
I would if I didn't like them, but I like the clean vocals they have because once in awhile its nice to take a break.
I'd love some, any your willing to share?
I suggest thinking about what you're posting for an entire main topic. Most bands have their own little message boards so go find KSE's board. I am not being an asshole, something like this does not need to be a main topic. You seem to be asking a little question that does not need a full topic. There is not much to discuss on something like this.
Ya I thought about that. Gonna do it right now. I've actually heard of most of these bands.