Family Member Fucktards

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Is there any one in your family that you just can not fucking tolerate on a personal level?

My cousin, who may be a good guy deep down, is a condescending twat. He drives on down to my shanty bearing the gift of subliminal beration. Along with a bunch of L.A.F.D novelty gear that I will never actually wear.

"So how much does your job pay? You need to quit all that junk and go become an E.M.T so you can get in to the Fire Dept."

"I make 100k firefighting, and another 100k with my business, I wipe my ass sitting down, and I fuck my wife sideways while whispering demeaning demands of estrogenic subservience."

Oh Shut the Fuck Up. This is just a small sample of what I deal with when I see this chode. Thankfully it's only about once every four years.

my uncle, who is the nicest and the most down to earth type of guy ever, adopted a black kid when the kid was around 4-5 years old. He turned out to be a drug dealer, jail goer, and already has a kid he can't take care of, my uncle and his wife do all the education. He's what.. 22 years old or something. I always feel bad for my uncle and his wife, they deserve a lot better.
I love pathological exaggeraters like Jerry's cousin

Actually the city of Los Angeles does pay their firefighters that much. The point of the matter is, that it is not the route I want to take in life, so quit shoving it down my throat and making me feel like a schmuck because I'm not as financially ahead as you are. :mad:

my uncle, who is the nicest and the most down to earth type of guy ever, adopted a black kid when the kid was around 4-5 years old.

It's in their blood. Even negars that go on to be successful possess the innate tendency to rob, rape, and murder.
I hate my moms entire redneck side of the family. Theres my rich aunt and uncle who are always trying to convince my grandmother to sell the house and move with them, which would leave my mom and I on the street, not that they give a fuck. Dumbass inbred cousin who supposedly raped his sister when they were younger, drilled a hole through his hand, one lunged anorexic wife of his, obnoxious little brat kids, and his little cunt "model" daughter who goes out of her way to tell me how I need to stop smoking in my own house. I hate them all.
My mothers cousin is an alcoholic who is in and out of jail and rehab constantly and can't take care of his own kids who live with their grandparents. They are half-siblings and his son lives with his grandfather who is going to die soon and he'll have nowhere else to go after that. We'll probably have to take him in.

I hate alcholics. And it seems like the worse, most fucking retarded ones never fucking die.
my grandfather, he's a raging asshole, and uses money to keep his family from completely ignoring him bbecause he's a douche.

edit: Oh by the way, the worst part is... is that he doesn't mean to be an asshole, so its not that he doesn't care, he's just insensitive, inflexible and old fashioned.

AKA: almost 80 year old, perfectionist scot who started work at 13 because his dad died, joined the army, fought in WW2, worked shift work for the rest of his life, blah blah blah....
All my relatives in California drive me insane. Not only do they project this holier than thou attitude at all times, other family members are constantly comparing me to them unfavorably.

I can't stand my father either but that's not so easy to sum up. I could write a book on that subject.