"Famous" What does that mean???


New Metal Member
May 27, 2005
Well i guess it would be nice to have the money to back you up in your creative journey of life, "Famous" known for the work you do, people to understand and appreciate what you have created in your musical life, "Famous" to be treated a bit better then anyone else?? We are all the same no matter how famous you are, does it really matter if your famous or not, your still a musician and a artist at heart no matter how far you get in your life.
When i started Supremacy i had a dream to be in a Rock band and be famous i think every young musician out there has that very same dream,
These days i fight for my music to feel right to my soul and i give my everything to release it for my fans to hear, "Famous" or not doesn't change my love for music this is who i am, an artist that can release independently out of passion for the art,
Never change always remain the same follow your dreams and never give up even if you never become famous,
Fame is just a bonus it is not the rainbow of colors and musical tunes in your soul your soul is what you make it, your heart plays the songs you create this makes you a genius to be able to express and you don't have to be famous to express how you feel.

:rock: :rock: ROCK ON :rock: :rock: