Fan From US


Omnipotent Tard
Feb 24, 2004
katatonia ---

I am getting a lot of people into your band. I for one am a huge fan of your music and the way of presenting your songs. I think you are the best band ever. Unfortunately, you all are located in Sweden and Europe. Do you all do any shows in the US? Preferably Texas ahahah.
MitoticSphere said:
katatonia ---

I am getting a lot of people into your band. I for one am a huge fan of your music and the way of presenting your songs. I think you are the best band ever. Unfortunately, you all are located in Sweden and Europe. Do you all do any shows in the US? Preferably Texas ahahah.

A show in texas would be godly, but they're playing in the US soon at the Six Pack Weekend 2 in Ohio. I honestly think they could be a big draw if they played in Austin during SXSW.