Fans of Bioshock and death metal:


Jun 10, 2008
Here is a song I wrote about Bioshock when it came out a few years back. It is pretty shittily recorded, back before we knew anything about anything, just plugged in, fired up a DAW and did what we could. Im posting it here in off topic because it sounds so terrible and we are going to be recording all of our shit again now that we have some gear and some knowledge, thanks to you guys :kickass:

The song is called Rapture and I want to know what you all think about the song, not the production, as I'm aware it blows donkey dick :Puke:
Cool man, got lyrics to it?

My band did one for the game Left 4 Dead called "The Infected". I need to re-record it though, I have learned a lot since its original recording.