Farewell, y'all


Jan 26, 2003
Boston, U.S.
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I think my work here is done. Now, my final act shall be to deflate the mystery of my identity... which is to say, that there isn't a mystery.
I am, as was previously stated somewhere or other, merely a fan of this bloody fucking mentalfaloocious troupe called MotW. Highbrow types that they are, they might take insult at even having fans-- dumb 'heavy metaaaaal, dude' bands like Judas Priest, Primal Fear, or Motorhead, after all, have 'fans'-- so perhaps a more appropriate term... afficianado, vaguely like-minded cosmonaut, unconventional thinker?... is warranted. Again, to restate another point I made recently, I am NOT neither an emissary or a spy from the Anathema Forum. Shame on anyone if he or she thought that; free thinker, heedless of boundaries and allegiances that I am, I am not on anyone's 'side'. Well, I take sides every time I buy a c.d. or go to a gig, but you understand the difference.
From an outsider's perspective, I wonder that MotW may at some point disappear up their own arses- i.e. lose the plot, musically speaking- and lose the essence of what counts, the song, in favor of dreeeeaaaaamy haze, widdly-wank, and oddity-as-experimentation. Sometimes meat and potatoes tastes damn good, if you know what I mean; sometimes avante-garde haute cuisine nouvelle stylee doesn't. But obviously it's their music, and long may they do whatever they wish with it, as that's precisely the point. Most of it's been great music so far, in my opinion.
Good night. I love you all. Even you, FuSoYa.
See you at the next Maudlin Of The Well show to be held in Massachusetts. Look out for me. You'll know it's me, somehow. It's all in the eyes. Oh, and the big nose and tattoos. :loco:

Your dear friend Oded


if I swapped with oded and banished myself so that he may take my place here would that solve everything??

or is he just a big jessie whos looking for attention??