
Ahh, I don't mind discussing personal matters in an unpersonal way on forums, in fact I think it's sort of a good way to ensure I'm sort of making sense in my babblings.

I find it much more weird when people are acting all friendly on forums as if they know eachother, even though they've only had a couple of internet chats.

Oh and serious and beautiful does in no way have to equal cheesy, argh.
a few examples

everything happened.it would be easier to answer to "what didn't happen?"
i feel like part of the earth is crumbling down my feet.i was a fool to assume that i could stay happy for more than a couple of months.i know i can handle this,because im patient,but it will have a big cost(it already had).and i dont know why i should go through this...

in the end of the day,i am grateful that my family is healthy and i am(basically)healthy.everything else can be fixed.somehow.*dead cheesy mode on*

"master of the wind" is cheesy, I guess, but it's dead catchy and I think I could name at least one Anathema song that beats it out in the cheese department.

sex and love
should these two go together like? cant we just have sex without vowing eternal love but just be honest about our feelings?
yeah, kinda cheesy this thread but i wanna see how you perceive this like....

my dad died and my eyes opened up.
i know, it sounds cheesy, but i was a completely different person before.
autumnsphincter said:
Pfff...You think you're a fragile wreck in a storm of emotion??
you are a waste of space. i would say get a life but it might be beyond you. so just go away. do something constructive like mummy always wanted. nobhead.:)
autumnsphere said:
a few examples

everything happened.it would be easier to answer to "what didn't happen?"
i feel like part of the earth is crumbling down my feet.i was a fool to assume that i could stay happy for more than a couple of months.i know i can handle this,because im patient,but it will have a big cost(it already had).and i dont know why i should go through this...

in the end of the day,i am grateful that my family is healthy and i am(basically)healthy.everything else can be fixed.somehow.*dead cheesy mode on*
:OMG: :OMG: :OMG: thats my wordso_O i remember posting the secod on the forum.not the forst one tho:confused: i may as well have tho:erk: oh fawk im getting so personal on this forum sometimes :erk: :erk:

P.S i got a forune cookie the other day.Guess what it said on the paper: "Your heart will always make itself known through your words" :Smug: it seems i can escape.that was a curse that:erk:
autumnsphere said:
im a very honest person, guess i can't hide anything, i always say what i think/feel. it's very annoying sometimes tho. ppl hate me for that.
you just described me:ill: frightful:erk: i just cant keep my mouth shut if i feel like saying sth.

i shut it only when im afraid of stuff.im trying to admit stuff to myself.all that there is to admit.if i do this ill be free.
Don Corleone said:
im jealous. why doesnt anyone make fun of me?

Maybe because you never acted defiant towards other members, as if you were the king of this forum just because you are close to the band ...
Or maybe because you've never pretended to be No-one-understands-me-weirdo-number-one.
autumnsphere said:
if you don't have enough guts to laugh at yourself, don't laugh at vin, ok?
that's a great song that btw... cheesy and that...

no, seriously - you cheered me up, this is so childish.

Vin ? Are you close enough to him to be allowed to call him Vin ? Hell, I should worry ... I'm in danger :-s
autumnsphere said:
you know... i met the person who changed my life and made me who i am in a forum... i still haven't seen her face. and she is my soulmate, we spent nights after nights writing letters - 10-15 pages long - it was amazing... it is the most important thing in my life. she is the most incredible human being i've ever met. and i don't know if i want to meet her, it would spoil the whole magic. but i guess i will, she lives in berlin but right now she's making a trip round the world.
