
Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
Just checked you guys out, holy crap you guys kick ass!!! I am assuming you are unsigned right?? If so, I've got to say, aside from being in the top 2 unsigned bands I've ever heard, you definitely have the best "death" vocalist of the unsigned!! Even the strangeness at the end of Flavoured numerology sounds great!!! Keep up the good work, I'd love to hear more (especially with generous amounts of weirdness to compliment the metal!!)
Originally posted by Till Fjalls
Just checked you guys out, holy crap you guys kick ass!!! I am assuming you are unsigned right?? If so, I've got to say, aside from being in the top
2 unsigned bands I've ever heard, you definitely have the best "death" vocalist of the unsigned!! Even the strangeness at the end of Flavoured
numerology sounds great!!! Keep up the good work, I'd love to hear more (especially with generous amounts of weirdness to compliment the metal!!)
Thank you, thank you. We are planning on starting to record the four songs we have written after our first demo. The quality is going to be lower, since we are going to do it with my own equipment (treasures of the eighties...:D ). Some jazz and funk influences included...

For information and such we are currently testing our websites and if they start working properly, I'll post an advertisement on this board...

Originally posted by warsofwinter
Where can I hear some
The songs of our first demo are all there.
Originally posted by Hearse
And just look at those guitarist's, They are sexy bitches
Thank you, I often think my ass is too round for me to be a guitarist instead of a supermodel.:p
Originally posted by Hearse
ps. how many times you stopped for wee, after you left back to forest?

No wee, no smokes after we left the forest:D
I drove straight to Valkeakoski. Marko had to hold and Toni actually fell asleep after about 4 minutes and slept like a baby (in a really wicked position, by the way :lol: ) the whole way through...
wow that kind of japanese breakdown thingy in The Prism is fantazing! hey how long did it take you to get used to recording and playing with good time? I can play pretty well but i've always been an "in my room jamming" player and so now i suffer of bad timing and fret buzzes and garbage like that and now that i've tried recording a song i see all these damn things and it is HORRIBLE... anyway yeah good stuff :)
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
wow that kind of japanese breakdown thingy in The Prism is fantazing! hey how long did it take you to get used to recording and playing with good time? I can play pretty well but i've always been an "in my room jamming" player and so now i suffer of bad timing and fret buzzes and garbage like that and now that i've tried recording a song i see all these damn things and it is HORRIBLE... anyway yeah good stuff :)

I got used to recording before the studio, since I had a 4-track and used a drum machine to record basic versions of some of my songs. Playing with others helps in timing also. If you can do neither of these, buy a metronome and practise with it. Practising with a metronome is really effective.
Originally posted by Hearse
No, they don't... Marko (Their singer=Windom Pearl) Hates Patton with his whole soul... He just can't stand him...

:eek: - ... - :err: - ... - :confused: - ... - :eek: - ... - :lol:
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
wow that kind of japanese breakdown thingy in The Prism is fantazing! hey how long did it take you to get used to recording and playing with good time? I can play pretty well but i've always been an "in my room jamming" player and so now i suffer of bad timing and fret buzzes and garbage like that and now that i've tried recording a song i see all these damn things and it is HORRIBLE... anyway yeah good stuff :)
When i first started i had very good natural timing... then after playing for 5 years my best friend started playing and he has the worst timing ever, and i spent so much time trying to adapt to his timing that i lost it... and its been a slow process getting it back (and still have a longg way to go).... but heres some advice:

Record yourself whenever possible... just chuck a tape on and record when your jamming... and give it a listen every so often, it makes you notice your problems, and so work on them
Its hard to hear how out of time you are when your playing, we recorded a video of my band playing the other day and only then did i notice how much i was speeding up and slowing down..

Play to a metronome/drum machine... or simply tap your foot if nothing else... or play along to CDs.. all helps get better timing...

Always try to play in perfect timing... When i was playing through songs i used to always speed up and slow down on purpose (if i couldnt be bothered holding a note for a whole bar.. or if i thought i didnt need much practice on a little section) and its very bad for you..

oh and FARMAKON are fucking amazing...
i had their songs before and i mustve deleted them by accident.. i just redownloaded them and as soon as The Prism started i was like "Yehhhhhhh i remember this band!!! Why the fuck didnt i keep these mp3s!!??"
Its very good stuff, very different and obvious talent.. You and Thales are the two best unsigned bands ive ever heard...
Originally posted by Lee_B
I just got the rehearsal tape of the new songs that Marko sent and I only have this to say:

"Farmakon make my cock hard!!".

Lee B

Thanks! I've been waiting for someone to say that! :lol:

Did any suprises occur, or was it just the same shit you expected?

By the way, last night I was in the hotel room of the guy who did backing vocals on Amorphis' Tales from the thousand lakes! :eek:

And, the new Diablo kicks ass! :headbang: