Fates Warning-FWX

I have heard it and it did not do much for me. As their last few albums did almost nothing for me also.

Now on the other hand; "Awaken the Guardian" is one of my all time favorite album...

But it might just be me still not accepting Ray Alder. :)
I really miss the older sound this band had. I still enjoy them but I have to be in a certain mood to listen to them and can't just throw them on at anytime.
They're dead to me after No Exit. Awaken The Guardian and The Spectre Within are two of the greatest Heavy Metal releases ever.
sixxswine said:
I got an advance copy of this in the mail today along with a couple other discs. I'm not huge on FW, I'm not that big on Ray Adler...
The record is good & it's just what you'd expect from the band.
I really had to listen, just cos' of Joey Vera...

I love Alder era FW (except APSoG.) I have a bad feeling this band is soon to be no more though. Alder is the new vocalist on Redemption's new release and this was the last of drum God Mark Zonder playing for FW as well.

Well, I just got a copy of the Dream Theater 3 disc & 2 dvd Live @ Budokan sets.
Yeah, review copies. I haven't even busted the plastic on these yet. For some reason I think this is gonna be painful.
Will probably make this record(FWX) seem like Zepp IV...
Jean-Pierre said:
They're dead to me after No Exit. Awaken The Guardian and The Spectre Within are two of the greatest Heavy Metal releases ever.
No Exit. Yeah, FW's shining moment.
I can't tell you how many cassettes of that
I went through. I could get past the vocals, the songs
are well written & just a solid record.
I can still picture, the low budget video for
"Silent Cries."
SoundMaster said:
Don't be silly!
Ok, so the members here may not despise Alder, but the general consensus is that the Arch records are just, well......better! :headbang:

I Dont Despise Adler at all I think both Eras had the high and low points ... Tho I will say in general Arch has a better voice he was waaaaaaay more Character and feeling but I didnt think he was a Better singer till I heard Twist of Fate ... then I knew!
sixxswine said:
No Exit. Yeah, FW's shining moment.
I can't tell you how many cassettes of that
I went through. I could get past the vocals, the songs
are well written & just a solid record.
I can still picture, the low budget video for
"Silent Cries."

They play that on VH1 classic frequently. :D

Awaken The Guardian and Spectre Within are my favourites, but No Exit is a complete masterpiece in it's own right.
I think I'm the only person who loves Ray Alders voice. But nothing against Arch though (I adore The Spectre Within).
But I'm probably the only person to cite Perfect Symmetry as my favorite album of theirs, followed by Spectre and Parallels.
Though I will say, Disconnected was lacking something...
After listening a few times to the FWX record I really cannot say it suprises me in any way... I've seen numorous very good revieuws of the album, even some "album of the month" quotes, but for me it just doesn't "rock" .... I hate the allways returning electronic background sound, songs are not strong enough and vocals are not above average....Where did the old FW go? Guess it moved with Arch...Have all of you heard the John Arch "Twist of Faith", that's a hell better...