fav evergrey song


May 28, 2003
i'm very new to evergrey but I like:

I'm Sorry
Blackend Dawn
She Speaks to the Dead
The Shocking Truth
The Master Plan
This is a touch question, so of course I am going to have more than one :p Anyway, here are my favorite Evergrey songs (of course, I like every Evergrey song, but these are my personal favorites):

Your Darkest Hour
She Speaks To The Dead
The Encounter
Trust And Betrayal
Different Worlds
Solitude Within

See, the thing is, I love every Evergrey song very much. Therefore, it is very difficult to choose favorites. So really, the songs mentioned above are not really my "favorites," but just great songs ... o_O ...argh, this is difficult to explain so I think I will stop here :loco:
Your Darkest Hour is definitly my current favorite Evergrey song. It is just such a perfect song in my opinion. It also shows Rikard's contribution to the band as an amazing one. Overall, the two best songs of the album (from the poll) Your Darkest Hour and Recreation Day having writing contributions from Rikard. This is a shot in the dark, but both songs make wonderful use of the piano, and I think that perhaps these are Rikard's contributions ... ? I do not know exactly, but I think he is definitly an awesome addition to Evergrey.

Woah, did I forget to mention Ms. Carina's wonderful vocals on Your Darkest Hour? They give me goosebumps! Amazing!
This songhas really grown on me but I think that it may have been a "late" song that they wrote because it doesn't feel "guitary", that is the fills aren't as mayhamy as on other songs. The song is UNFORGIVABLE on the last album. My GOD TOM can really push his vocals over the top! This is one of those songs that makes you actually learn it on the guitar parts because if you don't it will haunt you when you try to go to bed and sleep.

*no holy can save him now. la la la la. Goes for the guitar again to pick out the next part while muttering curses* :loco:
ProgMetalFan said:
Oakenson: I love Rikard's keyboard part during the chorus of "Your Darkest Hour".

Me too! :D

My favorite part of the whole song would be the piano behind this line: "I'd be the light you seek in your darkest hour." Surreal!
ProgMetalFan said:
Yes, that's my favorite part too Oakenson! So beautiful!

I also love when it is Piano and Carina's voice. The song is just a masterpiece, and I bet Rikard came up with the amazing piano parts :) And I am sure he came with the amazing piano part in Recreation Day as well. I am very excited about his work in the band, and soon I will be seeing him live with Evergrey :D
Oakenson said:
I also love when it is Piano and Carina's voice. The song is just a masterpiece, and I bet Rikard came up with the amazing piano parts :) And I am sure he came with the amazing piano part in Recreation Day as well. I am very excited about his work in the band, and soon I will be seeing him live with Evergrey :D

I agree. I talked to Rikard at the Brave Words Fest in Cleveland. He's a very cool guy.