Fav Pic?

Ok, I couldnt narrow it down to one.....

Spirits in the mist from the Dragonlord cd

Centerpiece for Demons and Wizards

12 the unused one from Blackwater Park

The Birth from the Dragonlord cd

Dead heart in a dead world cover and all interior stuff

The new Abigail 2 cover from King Diamonds record

Towers of avarice off the zero hour cd

Lastly, but certainly not leastly....all the Iced Earth stuff. Of course :headbang:

And what is it with you lot and the Blackwater park cover? :)
For me it's a couple from Terria, the one with the moth on the tree and the face and the leaves. The other ones I really remember are for Skinlab's Disembody sleeve, bought it at a gig, jaw dropped, asked Steev about it, he said "it's fucking great, that's all I know"
Originally posted by spawn

And what is it with you lot and the Blackwater park cover? :) [/B]

not quite sure, thats probably why i love it. :D , it reminds me of sleepy Hollow (and i was drooling whilst looking at the background of the film, and the BWP stuff just compliments it is suppose. i just love the atmosphere it creates.
I vote Tonight's Decision.

The entire booklet is one ghostly representation of the album.

Truly amazing stuff.
it would be biased for me to answer this,
so i'll just say one of my favorite covers is
the dark tranqullity haven cover by niklas sundin.

isn't travis a lovely guy??
So is he the MAN or is he the MAN :)
yeap....niklas did a great artwork on that haven cover, I tried to achieve that "perfection" (knowing that perfection doesn't really exist in art:err: ) on a winamp skin I did some time ago...
mmmnnhhh may be one day I come and do something for seempieces....
:lol: He's definitely the man alright.

The ghostly images of Tonight's Decision is probably the perfect atmosphere for that album.

I lent it to a friend and he lost the cover and case etc.!! He's ordering it in again for me, but rest assured I wasn't impressed!
yeah Tonight's Decision is good, i always loved the back pic with the woman on the chair with the noose round her neck, not for the obvious reasons but because the patchy scratches on it that look like water, awhile after i realised it was just scrathes like on old movies and photos, i prefer to see it as water though :D