Fav song that bodom covers

GrimReaper666 said:
What, Alexi got married again?/??!!!????? When did this happen? I bet he didn't. Are you making this up?????

By addin another 7 questionmarks you're bound to get the answer!

And Authentic Metalhead, incase you didn't notice it after the second post Lithium made, he wasn't being serious :/
If Britney ever started to sing again(which would be really shitty and prolly unpopular since she prolly lost her touch and is fat), she'd prolly have to do a cover on Bodom....as if!
Yup, i think a lot of remakes bands make are much better. The only cover that i think is both about the same is Killswitch's remake of Dio "holy diver."
I'v never got tired of his vocals but he does sing the same way. He's just talking really hard, i guess. But it's still good. The way he sings matches for the band.