Originally posted by SlayerizedCorpse
But i met Alexi once and I asked him if he really did do the trooper and he said yes.
Calm down.Originally posted by loWildChild
T H E T R O O P E R I S N O T A F U C K I N B O D O M S O N G ! ! !
Dead winter dead, I know what cd it is on. It is on one of the international versions of Follow The Reaper. It might but the Finnish versionn, but then again it might not. So guy, just vote for the song that is up therek? and then in the future, I'll be more careful. My deepest regards.
Originally posted by DaysOfPurgutory2
CoB's version of Aces High kills Arch Enemys version (the old AE singer sucks).....Aces High all the way :zombie: