Fav Testament Solo???


Scavenger of Human Sorrow
Mar 3, 2002
Rockville, MD
All of their solos are great, especially those by Alex!!
My two favs are First Strike is Deadly and Return to Serenity!
They are GODLY :headbang:
I think it would have to be "The Legacy" that one kills me every time. I swear Alex has the best legato technique since Satriani.
Originally posted by Waylander
I think it would have to be "The Legacy" that one kills me every time. I swear Alex has the best legato technique since Satriani.

I think I remember reading an interview with Skolnick and he said that he studied under Satriani. I could be wrong, but it seems like I read that somewhere.

As far as solos go, there are way too many good ones from all of them. Skolnick and Murphy both have done fantastic work with Testament. I'll pick one from the latest CD that I really like: FSSD - Disciples Of The Watch

Skolnick's new version of Disciples Of The Watch rips my freakin' head off everytime I hear it!!!! I really dig that new stuff he added.

And to definitely put a plug in for James Murphy, the solo in Chasing Fear blows me away!
I like so many Testament solo's....but, the ones that come to mind right now are....

Practice What You Preach
Over The Wall
First Strike Is Deadly
The New Order
Diciples Of The Watch
Return To Serenity
Greenhouse Effect
The Legacy
The Seasons Grey
Legions ( In Hiding)
Trail Of Tears
Eyes Of Wrath
I said Eric said it's like a solo, the whole song. I just said I agree. Why did you even have to comment? Can't you read my sig?

Take it or leave it, no need for you to always understand everything, I know I don't.