Fave 80's THRASH outside the big 4 !!!!

some punk crossover some metal.
Dark Angel
Metal Church
Lethal Agression
Impulse Manslaughter
Celtic Frost
Possesed (well maybe their death metal but good 80's metal)
Nuclear Assault, DRI, COC, Carnivore, Cro-mags, Sixty Nine, Septic Flesh,
Exciter?(unveiling the wicked was kind of thrashy to me), Agnostic Front(thrashy hardcore), Suicidal Tendencies, Overkill, Heathen, Testament Flotsam and Jetsam etc.
KMADD said:
Would you consider Forbidden thrash? Agent Steele? Nasty Savage?

Of course, no, dunno.

NP: Holocaust - 'Death Or Glory'
KMADD said:
damn I forgot about Whiplash and the great Canadian thrash masters
Sacrifice! Would you consider Forbidden thrash? Agent Steele? Nasty Savage?

Forbidden - yes

Agent Steele - no

Nasty Savage - Nasty Ronny RULES :grin: !!! hahaha i think they were brutal enough to be considered thrash back then so yes.
SavaRon said:
I like MC with both Wayne and Howe. I agree, BID should be remastered, teh production really doesn't sound very good. I think the first two "sound" better then it actually.

I seen that movie with Powermad. They did 'Slaughterhouse' in it, didn't they? To bad those guys didn't countinue on, they were really good. Never have been able to find the debut EP anywhere.

I like wayne era too. They were good with both line-ups.

As far as the early Powermad.... it sounds like it was recorded in a garage. It's really not that good. I think it has four or five songs on it. I have it somewhere, but trust me.... Absolute Power is the only one that matters.

Testament - The Legacy
Death Angel - The Ultra Violence
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
Sepultura - Arise
Sabbat - History of a Time to Come
Hobb's Angel of Death - Self Titled
Exhorder - Slaughter in the Vatican
Nuclear Assault - Handle With Care
Sadus - Illusions
wow, aren't you lucky...I want spectrum of death so dam much best thrash ever...Only 500 pre release copies ever made
Some not mentioned thus far:
Holy Moses - Finished with the dogs
Incubus - Serpents Temptation (original recording, not the re-recorded ver.)
Sacred Reich - Ignorance
Evil Dead - Annihilation of Civilization
flotsam and jetsam - quatro
flotsam and jetsam - high
vio-lence - eternal nightmare
overkill - the years of decay

most of my favorite albums are made by the big four
Thrash is my least favourite Metal genre so far, but I still listen to lots of stuff from the 80s...
well, I feel tempted to say that Anthrax's "Among The Living" is the best Thrash album ever made (and the only Anthrax album I actually enjoy), but as it has to be outside the big 4, I have to vote for PENTAGRAM (Chilean band, not the Turkish or American with the same name)... their self-title album was rather groundbreaking back in the years.
Vendetta - Go and Live...Stay and Die
Vendetta - Brain Damage
^^^ two of my favorite thrash albums ever^^^
Testament - The Legacy
Heathen - Breaking the Silence
Flotsam & Jetsam - Doomsday for the Deceiver
Flotsam & Jetsam - No Place For Disgrace
Death Angel - The Ultra-Violence
Overkill - Taking Over
Overkill - Feel the Fire
Metal Church - s/t
Forbidden - Forbidden Evil
Sacred Reich - Ignorance
Exodus - Bonded by Blood
Sacrifice - Forward to Termination
Cities - Annihilation Absolute
OfManAndMetal said:
would testament fall under thrash? i always thought it was metal, not thrash metal?

Yeah Testament are very much Thrash, maybe with the exception of The Ritual. Certainly The Legacy is thrash and for me one of the best thrash albums of all time.
Dark Angel
Nuclear Assault
Dodens Grav said:
What the hell, I forgot about the entire South American scene...

Darkness - Death Squad
Darkness - Defenders Of Justice
Deathrow - Raging Steel
Exodus - Bonded By Blood
Possessed - Seven Churches

Sepultura - Schizophrenia
Sepultura - Beneath The Remains
Again, a shitload more...

Except for Sepultura I will not call the rest South American :p

I have to check those Darkness releases, I enjoyed the third album albeit I acknowledge the fact that was a change from it's predecessors.

NP: Beyond Fear - 'Telling Lies'
Hallows Eve - Tales Of Terror - I wasnt impressed with that album beyond the track plunging into megadeath.
Maybe i missed something?
1 pleasure to kill-kreator
2 tales of terror-hallows eve
3 beneath the remains-sepultura
4 bonded by blood by exodus
5 terrible certainty-kreator