Favorite AA song?

Fuckin Clown, trying to force just 1 Favourite Amon Amarth song out of us?! haha only joking.

I'd have to have a few which would be Burning Creation
Victorious March
God, His Song & The Holy Whore
Friends Of The Suncross
and Thousand years Of Opression.
I just got 2 cd's: Versus the world and The Avenger. I'll get the rest later. I like all the songs actually. But I think "thousand years of oppression" is special because Johan Hegg speaks at a certain moment, and that's just awesome!!
Golden Hall said:
Shit, looks like the guys are in trouble if they ever try to release a "best of", nobody's gonna be completely satisfied

i dont think AA need to do "Best Of" record. I believe that once such a CD is released, it is an official statement by the band that says: "Were done here, done our best, lets go home now...."



is my absolute favourite! Really drives me mad! I like to play it while driving car which is not so good for my safety! :hotjump: :loco:

Beside that:

And soon the world will cease to be (
God, his son and holy whore

Ok, nearly every song is worth to be a favourite...so its hard to decide!!
