Favorite AA song?

Kóri Warhorse said:
I am underage, though in my little town age means nothing, i get people to buy it for me than get smashed right in town with my friends. hell ive talked to cops drunk.

Are you done with your fantastic drinking stories? If not you should be as those are Partic exclusive. Come up with something new if you're trying to impress or be cool.
Cheers Tomazs...fucking oath man....and I'm really worried about these little midgets getting a buzz here, I should call the authorities...
Bleed for Ancient Gods
A Fury Divine
Amon Amarth (especially the part following the battle sounds)

When I'm drunk: Friends of the Suncross
Tomasz said:
Are you done with your fantastic drinking stories? If not you should be as those are Partic exclusive. Come up with something new if you're trying to impress or be cool.

Its not like it matters whether the underage drinking stories are good, bad or whatever. Its just that personally, as an underage btw, I dont find anything exiting in commincation with the authorotes under the effects of alcohol or weed or whatever. Its just that a lotta ppl do that, and you dont see them post on the forum about that, eh?
Patric is good about what he tells. And he's the only one who really kicks in these stories. (And pissing pics).
