Favorite badguy?

SculptedCold said:
The Predator

oh yeah that's my favourite as well, he's so mean and cool, gotta love him :)


btw has anyone here heard anything bout an alien vs. predator movie? with a good budget that could be awesome, two of the baddest creatures in the galaxy doing some serious fighting
Yeah, Ive heard about an Aliens vs Predator movie, but I cant tell you much more about it...

The Predators are my favorite badguys as well...
Aggressor said:
Yeah, Ive heard about an Aliens vs Predator movie, but I cant tell you much more about it...

The Predators are my favorite badguys as well...

ah ok, well i guess it's just rumours then :[

it's really something to wait for, the A vs P comics are really nice, and there has infact already been some interaction between the two, i guess you've seen the alien-skull hanging in the predator throphy-room in the second movie? really nice little detail :)

(where has the sad smiley gone? had to use a text-one, if you use the ordinary you'll get an angry one... :| )
Fav bad guy huh? There is so many to choose from.

Gary Oldman in his many bad dude guises
Rutger Hauer as Roy Batty in Blade Runner.
kevin spacey in seven
Darth Vader
The Predator
Sam Neil in Event Horizon
The long haired bad dude in the first Crow movie. That actor plays a great bad guy in other movies aswell come to think of it.
The zodiac killer in exorcist 3

To name a few...
There's of course always Blofeld from the Bond movies and also Christopher Lee as Scaramanga in "The man with the golden gun".
My favorites though is probably Olsen Banden (The Olsen Gang). It's a Danish film series with 13 films from 1968 to 1981. They are robbers and the movies are made from their point of view, so they're kind of the good guys in the eye of the beholder. The "real" good guys are kind of the evil guys in these series (although they often cheat and do fraud and stuff like that) and a guy called Bang-Johansen is cool. He's played by Bjørn Watt-Boelsen and he's cool!
The Street Preacher (Dolph Lundgren) from Johnny Mnemonic was pretty good. Also Gabriel Shear (John Travolta) from Swordfish, just because of the bank scene where Stanley Jobson (Hugh Jackman) fails miserably in his lame attempts to blackmail him.

np: Wongraven - Over Ödemark
Hate To Feel said:
The Riddler in Batman.

Damn fucking straight.
Jack Nicholson was mindblowing in that movie.
I'd also like to add:

Sadako from Ringu
Trevor from Meet The Feebles
The Terminator (From number one)
Satan from The Exorcist