Favorite Band with a female singer


No cliche goth/power/whatever stuff there.

Technically she's not in the band anymore, but they have yet to create any material without her. Monika Edvardsen.
I think Wages of Sin was a great Arch Enemy album. But Anthems of Rebellion was very bland overall (it had maybe 2 good songs on it) and from what I've heard of the new one they continued that trend. That band just sounds like everyone in it is bored to tears. Chris Amott isn't even touring with them anymore because he wanted to finish his education or something. That says something about their level of commitment and faith in the band.
The Gathering 'Mandylion', Anneke is the best female vocalist imo. 'Always' is a great doom album but does not have anneke, think the growler from Orphanage.

Theatre of Tragedy 'Velvet Darkness They Fear'. The music sounds heavily influenced by My Dying Bride. It's cool hearing a female vocalist and someone growling right along. Like someone said it sounds like beauty & the beast. Bring Forth ye Shadow is an amazing song.

Heavy doomy guitars and atmosphere does it for me. Doom & Gloom

Lacuna Coil 'in a reveria'. Christina Scabbia is hot as hell and sounds great.

Anekke is hot too.