Favorite Black Metal Vocalist?

this guy:

THE BEST BLACK METAL VOCALIST IS DANI FUCKIN FILTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I LOVE his vocals. The best i'v ever heard. It's perfection!:)

Other great black metal vocalists:

Rotting Christ-Sakis Tolis
Darkthrone-Nocturno Culto
Dark Funeral-Themgoroth

There are so many good black metal vocalists. All of them have their own unique styles and are really deadly.
Voyager: Yeah, they are. they just stand apart from the genre cuz they don't talk about Satan or they aren't one of those bands from Norway so they aren't for the whole satanism thing.
Lady_Laiho said:
Voyager: Yeah, they are. they just stand apart from the genre cuz they don't talk about Satan or they aren't one of those bands from Norway so they aren't for the whole satanism thing.

Well I kinda see your point but Im not anti-COF. I listen to them often.
Username: you first.

voyager: Yup, musically they are black metal and lyrically is just a differnt kind of black metal i guess.