Favorite cd of all time??


Jul 24, 2002
Feeling somewhat inspired by the "Greatest Albums of All Time" countdown on VH1, I wondered what the lot of you would vote as being your favorite cd of all time. It doesnt have to be metal, or of any particular category. I just want to know what your favorite cd of all time is. The one that stands above the rest in your collection.

Going first, and ironically echoing the VH1 special, I have to say that my favorite cd of all time would be "Revolver" by the Beatles.
I remember buying this album for the first time when I was in fifth grade and just being blown away by its diversity and depth. It kinda set the stage for me in terms of what appeals to me musically overall, not just listening to it, but what I go for when creating music as well. I haven't ever even come remotely close to touching something like "Revolver". But I dare to dream....and I still can listen to this album at almost anytime and any place. Not many albums can I honestly say that about.
well...i listen to every stuff i can, so, i have many cds that i could label as my "favorite of all time"...i'll just mention one...

cocteau twins - treasure

i love this cd!

Quite indeed.
:OMG: Was that a joke? Something sarcastic?? Hmmm...ONE of my favorite albums WOULD BE Alanis Morissette's "Jagged Little Pill". That was the first "non-metal" album that I had purchased since the 80's and that woman has influenced me IMMENSELY since. I can't wait to see her in a small venue in December :D
I'll have to give it to Megadeth-"Rust in Peace". That album is the reason I decide to put down the sax and pick up the ax. Iron Maiden-"Seventh Son" is a damn close second though.
acid bath/when the kite string pops- i bought it cuz i was told to... and i was kinda doubting buying it cuz the packaging is horrible... that was until i heard it...there hasnt been a band that has been able to create a sound as unique as acid bath did on their debut full length... its pure fucking genius that record, and even more scary is that i kinda got the feeling that the band kinda stumbled into their genius...

and the other

motley crue/shout at the devil-i was 8 when i first heard this, i wanted to be vince neil, i loved to young to fall in love,bastard,looks that kill. the whole damn record...this record [and metal churchs s/t] were the first records i bought... and i still do love the first metal church... shout at the devil is still flawless... and sooooooo many bands ride the nuts of this album....

the cure disintegration also gets a mention cuz its cuz this record i have gothfag tendancies....
Alright, well so far I see it's been pretty hard to just pick one overall favorite album of all time for most of you guys. I can definately understand that dilemma, since I myself listen to so many different kinds of music, its hard to pick just one. 'Revolver' happens to be that one all-encompassing album for me, but its not my only favorite album either.

Since you guys are mentioning multiples, I will list a couple of other all time faves as well, particularly in the more hard rock/ metal category....

VOIVOD 'ANGEL RAT' - All of Voivod's albums stood out from the pack, and had their own sound. This album in particular really stands out. It came out in 1992 when everyone was either trying to sound like Nirvana and Pearl Jam, or they were going the Napalm Death and Deicide route. This album stands as far away from any of that as possible. Its heavy, technical, moody, diverse, and defies easy categorisation.....much like why I like bands like Opeth and Katatonia these days.

Alice Cooper 'LOVE IT TO DEATH' - This is the first album I ever owned, when I was around four years old. Handed down to me from my aunt and uncle, who used to play it for my cousin and I when I was three, in order to "scare" us. It didnt scare me. I fell in love with it instantly. The sound and feel of this album is so dark, thanks to Bob Ezrin's eerie organ parts, and the fact that Cooper was still leaning towards the dark violent trippy side and hadn't yet discovered hollywood and fame and fortune. "Black Juju", "Second Coming", "Ballad of Dwight Fry" and "Hallowed Be My Name" still give me a total dark vibe when I listen to them.

other honorables.....
Thought Industy- Outer Space is Just a Martini Away
KISS - Dressed To Kill
Pyogenesis- TwinAleBlood
Cheap Trick- Dream Police
Winter- Into Darkness
Originally posted by turnloosetheswans
acid bath/when the kite string pops- i bought it cuz i was told to... and i was kinda doubting buying it cuz the packaging is horrible... that was until i heard it...there hasnt been a band that has been able to create a sound as unique as acid bath did on their debut full length... its pure fucking genius that record, and even more scary is that i kinda got the feeling that the band kinda stumbled into their genius...

AWESOME pick...I was kind of "told" to buy this album as well. A friend in college got me turned on to them. Pure genius is definitely a plausable evaluation. If you sit there and read the lyrics along with it it just doubles the effect because they wrote about some of the most fucked up shit. I also have "Paegan Terrorist Tactics" which I think is great as well. I know they've got some LP's floating around too...shame they aren't together anymore...
Y'know, one weird thing I have noticed over the years, is that Acid Bath have this huge female folllowing. It seems like nine out of ten times that I meet someone who is an Acid Bath fan, they are female. That's certainly not a bad thing but its really odd. I have even met girls who are only fourteen and fifteen and they are into Acid Bath. I just wonder how the hell they discover them considering that they never received any real mainstream press or exposure. I once checked out this Acid Bath fan webring, and it was all females....crazy....definately a band that has a strong cult following and alot of mystique surrounding them....
And I still don't own any of their albums! Though I have really liked what I heard of them. I do have the video for "Toubaboo Koomi" (or whatever its called) and that song is pretty killer.
probably an album that the majority of you haven't even heard of (i'm guessing, anyway):
Trouble- The Skull

legendary doom metal album. one of the first true doom albums (although it was their second) of the 80's. great album

Death- Sound of Perseverance
Coroner- Grin
Opeth- Still Life
Metallica- ...And Justice for All
Pink Floyd- Wish You Were Here
My Dying Bride- Turn Loose the Swans