Favorite Comic Book?

Wicked Child

Mar 4, 2003
Vista, CA
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I know everyone likes at least ONE!:D

I like X-Men, Spawn, Spider-Man, The Punisher,League Of Extraordinary Gentleman, The Sandman, The Spectre, among a few others, but number one for me is, was and always will be BAT MAN, and i'll tell you why. His character is tortured and forever haunted by the memory of watching his parents get murdered, which makes him a dark, mysterious and brooding man, who is twisted on avenging his parents' death and making sure it happens to no one else. And that makes for some REAL interesting stories, plus, he breaks away from the stereotypical hero with strange super powers, and instead uses his head and actually thinks.

So, enough of my rambling, what are your favorite comic books?
Sandman/Gaiman rules over all. From Hell is great also. Moebius, Bilal and Franquin out of european comic makers and Petri Hiltunen out of finnish. Most superhero stuff isn't too good, merely entertaining at best, although McFarlane/Miller's Batman is very good and Spawn is pretty good too.
I forgot The Preacher and Bone! Not to mention The Watchmen! classic stuff! And i agree with most of you, just about anything by Allan Moore and Frank Miller is good. Frank Miller's Batman is easily some of the best stuff from the ol' Dark Knight, as well as some of the best stuff of Frank Miller's career. And i really like Paul O' Neil's Batman alot, as well.
Malleus said:

I haven't kept up with Transmet or Hellblazer as much as I should, but am familiar with both. Preacher I read the entire series at least once a year. :)
I've been out of the loop for years now, but I did love 2000 AD, Judge Dredd, The Punisher, A.B.C. Warriors, Rouge Trooper, Slain, Lobo, Faust, Spawn, Alien Vs. Predator, Asterix, Foot Rot Flats, Garfield. Judge Dredd would have to be still the best for me.
If you like Death, I think the Dreaming could be your thing. Now don't get me wwrong, it isn't all brilliant, but the stories focus on Dreams sideshows, like matthew(the raven), Lucien the Librarian, Eve, Kain and Abel and so forth, and the people who are lucky or unlucky enough to get involved in the affairs of The Dreaming.
I'm only going to list ongoing titles that I currently read:
New X-Men
Wildcats 3.0(Highly Underrated)
Spectacular Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man
100 Bullets
Alan Moore stuff
lots more that I can't remember