Favorite DT Song?

Oct 1, 2009
Boston, Massachusetts
I'm seriously surprised there is no such thread on the front page, but if there already is one somewhere, redirect me please. And Fabric is fucken epic.
Well there's to many so it'd be really hard to determine, but I can give you some of mine per album:
Skydancer & other old stuff:
-Unfurled By Dawn

The Gallery:
-Punish My Heaven
-The Gallery
-...Of Melancholy Burning

The Mind's I:
Insanity's Crescendo

-Nether Novas
-The Sun Fired Blanks

-The Wonders At Your Feet
-At Loss For Words
-Ego Drama
-Feast Of Burden

Damage Done:
-Damage Done
-The Treason Wall
-The Poison Well
-Monochromatic Stains

-My Negation
-Lost To Apathy
-The New Build
-Through Smudged Lenses
-Sensed Tied

-The Mundane And The Magic
-Misery's Crown
-The Lesser Faith
-Nothing To No One
-A Closer End

We Are The Void:
-The Fatalist
-Dream Oblivion
-Surface The Infinite

And if I'd have to list my five all time favourites those would probably be:
-Punish My Heaven
-At Loss For Words
-Damage Done
-A Closer End
Well, it's been a few years since we did this the last time, so why not. Here are my top-3 songs of each album (all bonus-tracks included) up to Fiction. It's too early to say anything definite about We Are the Void, so I'll forget that for a while. And to make this a bit more than just a boring list, I'll add some comments.

Skydancer / A Moonclad Reflection / Trail of Life Decayed:
1. Shadow Duet
2. A Bolt of Blazing Gold
3. Crimson Winds
These three have truly stood the test of time as my favorite early DT songs. Through Ebony Archways would probably be number 4. I'm not too fond of the pre-Skydancer stuff, but Void of Tranquillity is a good song.

The Gallery / Of Chaos and Eternal Night:
1. Punish My Heaven
2. The Gallery
3. ...Of Melancholy Burning
Only the first spot was obvious, for the other two I could have chosen Lethe, Edenspring, or pretty much any other song from The Gallery except Midway Through Infinity. I've always felt the title-track doesn't get nearly enough credit as a DT classic. OCaEN EP is not that far behind, but overall the songs aren't quite as great; With the Flaming Shades of Fall is my favorite of them.

The Mind's I / Enter Suicidal Angels:
1. Hedon
2. Insanity's Crescendo
3. Still Moving Sinews
Again, the first two are rather obvious choices, but I think the third one is a criminally underrated DT-tune. Tidal Tantrum and Shadowlit Facade from ESA are just outside the top-3. Zodijackyl Light is great live, but on the album it just doesn't work for me at all.

1. Nether Novas
2. Sun Fired Blanks
3. UnDo Control
The top spot belongs to one of the greatest DT songs ever, and the other two are old live favorites. The next three would probably go for To a Bitter Halt, FreeCard and No One, although I'm not sure about the order. And yes, I've never cared much about ThereIn.

1. The Wonders at Your Feet
2. Haven
3. Not Built to Last
Several decent songs on this album, but only a few true greats - I think this is my least favorite DT album nowadays. Misery in Me is the best of the bonus tracks.

Damage Done:
1. Hours Passed in Exile
2. White Noise / Black Silence
3. Static
Had to leave several of my favorites just outside the top-3, including at least Single Part of Two and the title-track. Static should've been on the album, as well as The Poison Well.

Character / Lost to Apathy EP:
1. My Negation
2. Senses Tied
3. One Thought
The latter half of Character has both the best (the three listed) and the worst (Am I 1? & Dry Run) songs of the album. The first half has several good songs and The New Build, Through Smudged Lenses or Mind Matters could have replaced numbers 2 and 3, but number 1 is probably the best epic album-closer in the band's history (even if I'm counting Iridium).

1. Inside the Particle Storm
2. The Mundane and the Magic
3. The Lesser Faith
Numbers 2 and 3 could have switched spots and Icipher is a solid number 4. All the remaining songs are very good also, although I'm getting a bit bored by Misery's Crown. Inside the Particle Storm is even more amazing live than on the album.

And finally, the top-5 all time:
1. Inside the Particle Storm
2. Punish My Heaven
3. Hedon
4. Nether Novas
5. My Negation

It will take a while before I'll have We Are the Void figured out, but Arkhangelsk might already take the fifth spot from My Negation.

Its hard to say...Album by album I guess it would be...

Shadowlit Facade (Enter Suicidal Angels)
At A Loss For Words
Hours Passed In Exile
In Sight (Exposures)
The New Build/Am I 1?
Misery's Crown
Her Silent Language
Punish My Heaven
Insanity's Crescendo
On Your Time
Ego Drama
Single Part of Two
Senses Tied
The Grandest Accusation
There are tons of them! It's really hard to pick just a few. Because of this, I'll limit myself to the song which got me really interested into Dark Traquillity: Dreamlore Degenerate! :kickass:

I hope they play it here in Brazil!
There are tons of them! It's really hard to pick just a few. Because of this, I'll limit myself to the song which got me really interested into Dark Traquillity: Dreamlore Degenerate! :kickass:

I hope they play it here in Brazil!

That's a cool way to pick a favorite. For me it would be "The New Build" since that's the song that got me hooked on DT.
White Noise / Black Silence. Especially live, it's fucking amazing.

Some other favorites:
The Dividing Line (great composition and lead guitar work, like all songs on The Gallery)
Shadowlit Facade (hard to believe this is a B-side, definitely could have been one of the best tracks on The Mind's I)
Therein (everyone's favorite DT sing-a-long!)
Rundown (probably my favorite DT chorus ever... which is a shame because the chorus only appears once with vocal and once behind a solo)
Through Smudged Lenses (underrated in my opinion, one of DT's best fast/heavy tracks with a great instrumental break at the end)

Of course I could take any DT song and explain why I love it, the only exception being the bastard child known as "Archetype" from the Enter Suicidal Angels EP. I refuse to acknowledge that song in the Dark Tranquillity catalogue.
Some of my favorites, with a completely unnecessary description for each:

Cathode Ray Sunshine - Has this amazing open feel, gives a sense of discovery.

My Negation - Pretty much the opposite. A cold industrial feel, with expressions of anguish.

Lethe - Despairing. The name speaks for itself.

The Enemy - I have a beef with this song. I wish at least the first two choruses kept the same flow as the verses. Yet everything else about the song is so excellent that it is one of my favorites nonetheless. I've never heard so much emotion packed into 12 seconds (the intro).

A Bolt Of Blazing Gold - Majestic.
so i know this is a bit old now but i thought id contribute. ill do my favorite song from each album/release and then a top 5...

enfeebled earth: enfeebled earth
trail of life decayed: vernal awakening
moonclad reflection: unfurled by dawn
skydancer: crimson winds
of chaos and eternal night: of chaos and eternal night
the gallery: lethe
enter suicidal angels: razorfever
projector: undo control
haven: haven
damage done: final resistance
exposures: exposure
character: lost to apathy
fiction: inside the particle storm
we are the void: at the point of ignition

top 5
5. final resistance
4. through smudged lenses
3. the new build
2. lost to apathy
1. inside the particle storm

it's interesting to see everyone's favorite DT songs and how theyre usually so different from one another
I love lots of songs from DT... Lethe, Icipher, Damage Done, Inside the Particle Storm, Am I 1, Razorfever, White Noice/ Black Silence, ...Of Melancholy Burning, Haven ....who knows... LOTS!! I feel guilty for not listening more than 3 times We are the Void... I don't have this album yet :(

I will def get it I remember listening to some of the songs and loved them!!