DT song survivor?

Yay or Nay?

  • Yay

    Votes: 21 91.3%
  • Nay

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2001
Espoo, Finland
I've been thinking of starting a DT song sorvivor lately, and I'm just wondering if anybody here would be interested in taking part? Ofcourse there is no point in having a survivor if you haven't heard the majority of DT's material, and I'm wondering if this is the case. I may not have time to post here too often, but I certainly know DT well.

If I were to have this, songs wouldn't be randomly paired, but I'll try to group similar songs, and make sure there won't be anything like Lehte vs. Punish my Heaven in the first round. So, what do you think?
I've taken a look at the Katatonia song survivor, and something in that style. I'm thinking of perhaps having a seperate round for each album, so the best of each respective record goes against each other.

It would include all of the albums and mcd's plus the 2 jap extras, 58 songs in all (Alone 94 isn't counted).

EDIT: Oh yes. thanks to transparent and Hearse and that Opeth guy for giving me a great idea to steal :D
i'm not sure about that latter idea... after all there might be 2 songs on a single album better than all those on other albums. how about listing all dt songs and take them out one by one? too messy, perhaps?

@rahvin: Yeah, having all of the songs face off would probably be fairer rahvin.

@Hearse: Katatonia song survivor was quite succesful, and as far as I'm concerned the organising is quite complete. Each round lasts 7 days, the ammount of songs reducing by 1/2 every round until one song is left. Picking which songs to pair will be the most challenging part, but I already have a good idea of the songs I would pair up.

I counted Zodijackyl Light twice, so there are actually 57 track, perhaps I'll add Alone '94 after all, to get an even number. I didn't make it clear, but Unfurled by Dawn and Midwinter aren't taken into account. Neither are the covers (Metallica and Maiden).
No, 20 is the max, but in case you didn't know, here's how the Katatonia poll was done - I write a list of all the songs, each of them paired to another. For example some Haven songs:

Haven - At Loss for Words
Fabric - Feast of Burden
Cornered - Not Built to Last
The Same - Emptier Still

You would then list which song you prefer:

Feast of Burden
The Same

I count which song of the two got more votes, and that one continues into the next round, where I pair the song again.
I'm definitely in for this kind of survivor - I was actually thinking of making one myself, back when the Opeth-song survivor was on.

I spent several hours pondering on which voting-method to choose, and came to the same conclusion as Rahvin that the songs need to be paired in such a way that songs from different albums can be compaired to each other, in order to avoid a mandatory "best-song-from-each-album-comparison" (which has been done before).

But how did you count 58?

Here's the breakdown of songs on each album:

Skydancer: 9
OCaEN: 3 (+ Alone '94)
The Gallery: 10 (if MItG and OMB are counted as one)
ESA: 4 (if Archetype is included)
The Mind's I: 11 (if not counting Zodijackyl Light)
Projector: 11 (if counting Exposure)
Haven: 12 (if counting Cornered)

Alltogether: 60 songs (plus Alone '94, plus both demos)

-Villain (the poll-a-holic)
:cry: my head hurts from trying to figure all this out, but if you can pull it off im all for it.......

YES I FOUND THE VIDEO TOO! I think its amazing for sucha low budget video, plus the song is fuckin amazin so that helps too :p

anything but please include both exposure and cornered. in my book they already out-vote several other tracks. :)

so far i think hearse's idea about 3 polls later reduced to one is the most effective way to deal with this, but i'll gladly let other more poll-expert ppl decide on the matter. :)

Originally posted by rahvin
anything but please include both exposure and cornered. in my book they already out-vote several other tracks. :)

Second that, and don't leave out Alone 94
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
TBL song survivor maybe?
Then again, so few people go to TBL that it might be rather boring?

Hmm, why not. After all, we have had some serious talking about who prefers which song, etc. there already.

Perhaps after a while I will do that (I'm damn busy right now...)