DT song survivor round 4: Creation holds its breath


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2001
Espoo, Finland
The long-awaited 4th round of the infamous song survivor is here. 8 songs are left, choose the one you want to continue into the next round. Since there are so few songs left, I suggest everyone leaves some comment next to their pick.

The Gallery - A Bolt of Blazing Gold
Lethe - Hedon
Punish My Heaven - Edenspring
The Wonders at Your Feet - Of Chaos and Eternal Night
A Bolt of Blazing Gold (hard decision)
Lethe (hard, but clear)
Edenspring (easy)
Of Chaos and Eternal Night (easy)

the second was the most unfair one :p
-A Bolt of Blazing Gold (Because Bolt is the best song on Skydancer, which is the best DT album, therefore it must be the best DT song)
-Hedon (great song, can't really define what's so good about it, the pieces just fall together)
-Punish My Heaven (This doesn't need explaining)
-Of Chaos and Eternal Night (For all the times this song has got my neck sore)
A bolt of Blazing Gold (almost completely agree with Ormir, just to me shadow Duet is still above this one.. and I miss it :cry: )

Lethe (#3 in my absolute chart, after SD and ABoBG)

Edenspring (I like it quite a lot, and surely PmH is one of the ones I like least of all their career)

Of Chaos and Eternal Night (I don't think TWaYF is such a meaningful episode inside of Haven...)

Alfred (screaming out to no avail)
didn't the poll for this being a poll win???....well who caress now :p

The Gallery
Punish My Heaven
The Wonders at Your Feet

quite easy to me....but now it's not that interesting, once my fave ones are out!
My vote goes to:

The Gallery
Punish My Heaven
The Wonders at Your Feet

- red_beef (this is getting harder by the hours...)
a bolt of blazing gold (there is no match for me: i never liked the gallery that much, whereas bolt is a wonderful song. and i second what alfred said, although it's a disquieting thought :p )

lethe (it was a hard choice, but in the end i think lethe is the best song there's left now. both lyrics-wise and music-wise it has that little something more than hedon)

edenspring (everybody is so excited about punish my heaven while i don't really see much point in it. it's an ok song, but there's tons of dt tunes with the same watermark as punish... all in all, edenspring is a fast-and-furious song that outclasses many tunes in the gallery album and it deserves a higher position)

the wonders at your feet (not really sure on that one... i mean i don't really see what's so special about either, but i thought that since i have to vote i'd better for the only newer song that's left. of chaos lyrics are better - though at times cheesy - but the overall feeling sets the wonders one step ahead imo)

teddy (it's tender, soft, smiling, reassuring and lovable, while... err... i'm not. :cry:

The Gallery
For some reasone I never liked skydancer, so the choice wasn't that hard.

Hm. This was quite a hard one. Ormir, you got quite much power in deciding the best song you know. After all, you make the matches and that way you can indirectly effect what songs will have the greatest chance to survive.

Punish My Heaven
Another hard one, although the hard part was to take Edenspring away. There was no real quiestion about what song should continue.

The Wonders at Your Feet
The only newer song left, and I LIKE it! Right, I like of chaos as well, but... take the energy of that song, compress it into a three minutes long track and you have TWaYF. Sort of. Besides, you suckers voted off The sun fired blanks, so this is my revenge at you old schoolers :p :saint: :D
RAHVIN! Again, you did wrong :lol:
You shouldn't have anticipated your final choice: where does all the suspense and the emotion go with people like you around?

This said, my choices:

A Bolt of Blazing Gold
Punish My Heaven
The Wonders at Your Feet
Teddy bear

That was extra easy.

hyena (cold outside)
Originally posted by hyena
RAHVIN! Again, you did wrong :lol:
You shouldn't have anticipated your final choice: where does all the suspense and the emotion go with people like you around?

who ever told you i'm gonna vote for the best song that's left? :(
maybe i'll choose my teddy, eventually. :)

The Gallery
The Wonders at Your Feet

the only hard one was Lethe - Hedon... Feck! Dunno why I went with Lethe... Prolly because it was my fave DT track for years...
