DT song survivor round 5: The choice between heaven and hell

Here's my vote:

-A Bolt of Blazing Gold (The arrangement of the song is amazing, and I'm a sucker for Stanne's clean vocals)
-Hedon (Great lyrics, and stands more listens than punish, a classic)
-llama (softer than teddybear, not as scary as elephant)

Lethe - A Bolt of Blazing Gold 10-10
Punish my Heaven - Hedon 7-13

song survivor subparagraph #1
rahvin - teddybear 1-1
elephant-llama 0-1
Punish my Heaven

if it ends up Hedon and A Bolt i will be :mad: :p

Thus you should all now vote for lethe and/or punish my heaven :grin:
On the other hand, it seems that Hedon and Lethe will win this round. We already know from past experience that Lethe would win the Hedon - Lethe duel. So, for Hedon to have a chance, all the people who prefer Hedon over Lethe, and voted for Lethe, must vote for Bolt, if Hedon is to stand a chance. If you want Hedon to have a chance of winning you must vote for A Bolt of Blazing Gold !
Geez all these politics suck. So you admit Lethe would win. Great :)

teddy (just to support rahvin who btw rules :p)

I still think The Wonders at Your Feet should be here...

Well, anyway:

1. A Bolt of Blazing Gold (it is simply better, IMHO)
2. Punish My Heaven (the hardest choice I have ever made)

Ormir: I'd LOVE to hear the maths that brings a 10-10 draw to 16-14 in BoBG's favour, when I see 6 votes for Lethe, and 3 for BoBG.. Are you counting your vote into this one but not the one before and reversing it?
The true situation:

Lethe - Bolt 16-13
Punish my Heaven - Hedon 12-17

My math was dodgy, and I got Bolt and Lethe the wrong way around.