DT song survivor round 2: minutes to midnight

Insanity's Crescendo
Shadow Duet
Punish My Heaven
Of Chaos and Eternal Night
Of Melancholy Burning
Zodijackyl Light
The Sun Fired Blanks
Lethe :mad:
The Mind's Eye
Through Ebony Archways
The Gallery :mad:
On Your Time
This round was MUCH harder than the previous one:

Insanity's Crescendo (a hard decision)
Shadow Duet (one of the very easy few)
Hedon (another easy one)
Punish My Heaven (third in a row)
Silence, and the Firmament Withdrew (unbelievably hard!)
The Wonders at Your Feet (piece of cake)
Of Chaos and Eternal Night (hard, once again)
...Of Melancholy Burning (not as hard as some)
Feast of Burden (I dislike both songs...)
The Sun Fired Blanks (tough)
Lethe (no comments)
A Bolt of Blazing Gold (laughable)
Crimson Winds (incredibly hard!)
The Gallery (rather easy)
Haven (very easy)
Indifferent Suns (tough once again)

Pheww - I'm already afraid of the next round!

To a Bitter Halt
Dreamlore Degenerate (of course)
Punish My Heaven
Silence, and the Firmanent Withdrew (for those sick vocals)
The Wonder at Your Feet
Scyte, Rage and Roses
Tem Emptiness from which I Fed
Zodijackyl Light (easy)
Rundown (the song that got me back into DT after that awful album)
The Mind`s Eye
Through Ebony Arcways
The Gallery
Haven (The perfect Pop-Metal tune)
Indiffernt Suns

Insanity's Crescendo (easy)
Dreamlore Degenerate (easy too :-P)
Hedon (easy)
Punish My Heaven (easy [come on, this starts to get silly])
Silence, and the Firmament Withdrew (argh! tought one!)
The Wonders at Your Feet (not easy either...)
Scythe, Rage and Roses (short, quick and furious!)
Of Melancholy Burning
Zodijackyl Light (no question about it!)
The Sun Fired Blanks (even less quiestion! TSFB is simply THE best!)
Lethe (ne'er heard the other one)
The Mind's Eye (mind's eye's simply to adorable =)
Through Ebony Archways
The Gallery (tough one too...)
Haven (you have to be kidding)
Indifferent Suns
Here's the current score:

To a Bitter Halt - Insanity's Crescendo 6-15
Shadow Duet - Dreamlore Degenerate 15-6
Hedon - In Tears Bereaved 20-1 (MacMoney...)
Punish my Heaven - Day To End 18-3
Edenspring - Silence, and the Firmament Withdrew 12-9
ThereIn - The Wonders at your Feet 8-13
Of Chaos and Eternal Night - Scythe, Rage and Roses 14-7
The Emptiness from Which I Fed - Of Melancholy Burning 15-6
Feast of Burden - Zodijackyl Light 11-10 (tight)
The Sun Fired Blanks - Rundown 15-6
Lethe - (Midwinter) Beyond Enlightenement 20-1 (MacMoney...)
The Mind's I - A Bolt of Blazing Gold 5-16
Crimson Winds - Through Ebony Archways 12-9
Constant - The Gallery 6-15
Haven - On Your Time 12-9
Auctioned - Indifferent Suns 11-10
Insanity's Crescendo
Shadow Duet
Punish My Heaven
Of Chaos and Eternal Night
Of Melancholy Burning
Feast of Burden
A Bolt of Blazing Gold
Crimson Winds
The Gallery
Insanity's Crescendo
Shadow Duet
Punish My Heaven
Silence, and the Firmament Withdrew
The Wonders at Your Feet :(
Of Chaos and Eternal Night
Of Melancholy Burning
Zodijackyl Light
Rundown :mad: :mad:
A Bolt of Blazing Gold
Through Ebony Archways
The Gallery :cry:
Indifferent Suns
Aaaand another round of fights is on! Some flashes from the most interesting duels:

The day of Day to End ended somewhat prematurely when Punish My Heaven laid his punishment upon his poor victim. The lesson: you should not turn your eyes inside while fighting for your life - there is no forgiveness!

The Wonders at Your Feet shoved the wonders up in there of ThereIn (ouch!), in a not so gentle or calm way - and definitely with more than inferior force.

Rundown was far too tired to face The Sun Fired Blanks in the ring and had to give up on round two. "I was just too torn down, wasted and lost" Rundown explained afterwards. "I just tried to get a retaliatory strike at the weakest spot, but as I forgot my sunglasses home, I couldn't see a thing" he spat out.

In the "silliest match-ups" series, the three-time world champion Lethe faced the two-time granddad, Beyond Enlightenment (and his support, Midwinter). Lethe brought a lot of enlightenment on his aged opponent by severing and puncturing. "You are my Lethe" the crowd yelled after the fight.

And onwards to the next round...

Insanity's Crescendo
Shadow Duet
In Tears Bereaved
Punish My Heaven
Silence, and the Firmament Withdrew
The Wonders at Your Feet (this one was tough!)
Scythe, Rage and Roses
Of Melancholy Burning
Feast of Burden
The Sun Fired Blanks
A Bolt of Blazing Gold
Crimson Winds
Indifferent Suns (...and that too)
Insanity's Crescendo
Shadow Duet
Punish My Heaven
Silence, and the Firmament Withdrew
The Wonders at Your Feet
Scythe, Rage and Roses
The Emptiness from which I Fed
Zodijackyl Light
The Sun Fired Blanks
The Mind's Eye
Crimson Winds
The Gallery
On Your Time
It's closed! Here are the results of Round 2:

To a Bitter Halt - Insanity's Crescendo 7-19
Shadow Duet - Dreamlore Degenerate 20-6
Hedon - In Tears Bereaved 24-2
Punish my Heaven - Day To End 23-3
Edenspring - Silence, and the Firmament Withdrew 14-12
ThereIn - The Wonders at your Feet 10-16
Of Chaos and Eternal Night - Scythe, Rage and Roses 18-9
The Emptiness from Which I Fed - Of Melancholy Burning 16-10
Feast of Burden - Zodijackyl Light 14-12
The Sun Fired Blanks - Rundown 19-7
Lethe - (Midwinter) Beyond Enlightenement 25-1
The Mind's I - A Bolt of Blazing Gold 7-19
Crimson Winds - Through Ebony Archways 16-10
Constant - The Gallery 7-19
Haven - On Your Time 15-11
Auctioned - Indifferent Suns 13-13
Insanity's Crescendo
Shadow Duet
Punish My Heaven
Scythe, Rage and Roses
Of Melancholy Burning
Feast of Burden
The Mind's Eye
Crimson Winds
The Gallery