DT song survivor - Round 1

i will not be shamed for voting archetype, for tho i have never heard it, it must be better than day to end....as...oh...everything else is.......

oh.....and why is Feast of Burden losing?...specially to freecard!.... while we're in the saving mood, why don't we fix that as well....
Freecard :rock: DONT SAVE FEAST! (i love feast of burden but prefer Freecard :p )

Final_Vision: Listened to 1:30 of Archetype and turned it off :p
geez...do you have to reply so quickly!....i need time to rally support here people! ....

....(oh yeah....and day to end is terrible....sorry, but it is :spin: ....archetype may be worse, but i don't know that for a fact.... )
This round will end sometime during Saturday evening, within the next 12 hours. The new round will begin a few minutes afterwards.

@Siren: Yay, you voted for theh right song :D

@VultureCulture: I noticed you haven't posted in the survivor yet... You know which song to vote for ;)

We need one more lousy vote and Crimson Winds ties for 12-12! Still another 12 hours to save Crimson Winds!
Originally posted by rahvin

is that keys as in 'keys and locks' or keys as in 'keyboard'?
it's not that either option would make any sense anyway, but i'm curious just the same. ;)

rahvin. (typing carefully in case something sexual happens)

:grin: Keys and Locks....can't u see sth?? maybe your mind is not dirty enough :p
ok,seriously,i am kinda influenced of all this psychoanalytical stuff i've read and still read...and with this friend of mine we have a tendency seing many things in a symbolic way (for fun of course,i am not some kind of psycho_freak believing everything i read) and joke about it...
so that day we started analyzing what meaning could have a spontaneous reply/associations to the word "key" with the word "fear"..... and of course the discussion got derailed ( :grin: ). The entering of a key in a hole reminded us of sth else :rolleyes: and well....to my mind the word "key" brings automatically an image of mystery,keys opening doors maybe lead to sth bit hidden,sth like unrevealing secrets....Sexuality is also sth somehow hidden,sth conceiled under a veil of mystery...at least when we see it hmm from the part of the society... sth people don't dare to discuss openly (hopefully,cause i like some things to have a hint of "mystery" ;) )
So in some certain contex associating a key with fear could imply some sort of fear for the male organ... hehe or in a dream... a key could symbolize a phalus (a representation of the male organ,somehow representing strength) ....
Ok,all these maybe total bullshit...i haven't read them anywhere,i mean this specific association...but what i read lead me to such thoughts sometimes... and funny troll as i am,i like practising the crap i read in a funny way.... yup,studying could be fun :grin: -i hope i will never need to practice them in reality...it could be harmful for the clients :cry: -

~mel~(whose dirty mind is sure everybody thinks i am on drugs
:rolleyes: )
You're free to edit and change the songs you vote for, as long as you make a post that specifically points it out! It took me over an hour to count the votes, so I'm not too keen on going over them again, in case somebody has changed. This adds a pretty interesting political edge to the survivor...

@mel: Keys and locks... I wonder how that symbolism is relevant to Haven? The inside art of Haven (at least the digipack) has a key and a lock with the Haven "dots"...
Ormir@ well....to my mind the artwork of haven produces again this idea of things being revealed,of keys "unlocking" secrets/sides of ourselves we haven't get so much in touch with...Imagine the lock as hmm a wall behind of which some things maybe lie... generally to me it symbolizes somehow the process of realizing matters about ourselves,the way we are and our thoughts of existence...

and now that i think of it,sexuality is also a part of ourselves so hmm somehow the key&lock can symbolize this as well
ill do that, im changing

Faeryland Forgot to ---------> In Tears Bereaved

Freecard to -----------------> Feast of Burden

( i can live with that change but your better vote CW!!!!!!!!!)
well I prefer Feast Of Burden, too...
what will you do Ormir with the songs that get even???

@mel: well everything in this life could lead to sexual interpretations (even typing ;) ) so locks and keys are a quite normal images for sexual intercourse...but well you could be talking about filling a money box up with coins and you could make some other interpretations, even adding the sense of the profitful sign on it. As Haven itself.....I'm somehow fustrated that the meaning of the dots are hidden in the booklet itself...I can't see it...and if the key and the lock have to do something with sex and then with the dots, it could only lead me to the conclussion, that Niklas had sex with six girls when making the covert (and that would explain the vixen fact ;) ) But I think it's a lame excuse to put the dots, since I guess I would put six locks and just one key!

fathervic (starting to sound strange)
:lol: :lol:

everybody who thinks i have a dirty mind and my post was loony or perverted,should read FatherVic's.:grin:

tralala the earth is a huuuge breast full of phallus (trees) :grin:
ok,i'm shutting up :rolleyes:
I didn't mean to be dirty :cry:
I keep that for myself ( :rolleyes: )

strange phallus....the trees I mean :p

fathervic (definitely won't get close to a tree again)
@mel: with no need to involve any dirty-mindedness in this, the key-sexuality symbol seems quite obvoius to me, and not to me only, I think: it's quite a shared metaphor, to such a degree that in italian a quite vulgar way to mean the act of having complete sex is a neologism that translated means more or less "to 'key' " (italian: "chiavare"), and it's a metaphor used in a lot of italian sub-dialects. And anyway, at least on a level of pure intuition-related hint, the sexual metaphore is quite often used, at least in italy, for technical and easy-communication purposes, in every kind of phenomenon that includes the interaction of two parts to be interfaced, one of them pointy annd the other one hole-shaped: in example, electric plugs and sockets are usually referred as "males" and "females", and an electriuc plug which can be inserted in a socket and on whom three different other plugs can be inserted (useful when you have three plugs but just one socket) is commonly called "three-females-one-male". Anyway, the field for sex- or gender-related metaphors is imo more or less unending, and I think sex is one of the most flexible and stretchable concepts I can imagine (together, maybe, with mind or metaphysical elements). Start form the Sword and the Chalice and go on. or off :)

>to my mind the word "key" brings automatically an image of
>mystery,keys opening doors maybe lead to sth bit hidden,sth like
>unrevealing secrets....Sexuality is also sth somehow hidden,sth
>conceiled under a veil of mystery...at least when we see it hmm
>from the part of the society... sth people don't dare to discuss

Don't agree. Of course I agree with the idea of sex as some sort of unlock and reciprocal... er... interestingly conceived misunderstanding? :grin:, but the "secret", or "mystery-filled" level is, imo, simply built-in, and related to sex in itself, and not to social behaviour. The point is, sex is more or less a kind or communication, one who doesn't use (mainly) verbal or purely movement-related means, and one who involves level of perfsonality usually not very involved in everyday communication. This leads to results on such a range of levels (or anyway on such genres of levels), that simply they cannot be completely made explicit by verbal communication. Just as in, let's say, art, or languages, the message is simply not completely transprtable on another level or kind of communication. If people talked about their sexual experience every day with everyone, even in the tiniest detail, sex wouldn't be less "mysterious", just more talked about. It's a matter of unadequateness of communication means, imo.

Alfred (whose dirty mind got lost and somehow reached the control room)
me thinks the forums sexual conotation level is now going off the scale :grin:

me ALSO thinks this forum has many interesting ideas on sexual metaphors :p
Ormir: There are some votes missing - NicktheClayman didn't vote on the Skywards - Shadow Duet pair and you yourself didn't vote (or at least didn't write your vote here) on the Not Built to Last - Rundown and Zodijackyl Light - Razorfever pairs.

I demand a recount! :loco: :rolleyes:

Final_Vision: I agree that Crimson Winds is an unheralded classic - but so is Still Moving Sinews! Both are among the top-4 songs of their respective albums (IMHO) and thus a tie between them would be the most "justified" result, I believe.

But we'll see how this developes...

-Villain (who'd really like to throw some sports comments on some of the pairs...)

EDIT: Oh, and I definitely think that FreeCard is a far better song than Feast of Burden! :eek:
I couldn't resist the urge... :p

Tonight on our heavyweight Dark Tranquillity "Only One Will Survive" -tournament, we have quite a few interesting match-ups. Here are some comments for a couple selected fights:

The fierce Tidal Tantrum was gifted in spirit, but didn't see the difference in ceilings early enough and was brought To a Bitter Halt. The fighter from the Projector-team showed remarkable fist control during the fight and left a print on mr Tantrum's face. We assume Tidal Tantrum wants a rematch, for he is forgiving to none.

In the "Oldies but Goldies" -league, Skywards proceeded too slowly and Shadow Duet unleashed a rather massive leaf of life-tree's truth on its face, knocking the outcast out. However, a formal protest has been made, regarding Shadow Duet's use of foul language during the fight - reliable witnesses report him calling Skywards "Hark" at least once.

And here's some live footage from the evening's exhibition match: On the red corner there's The Gallery with a thousand words of advice from his trainer; on the blue corner stands Alone, without anyone to advice him. "Let me die", Alone says - let's see if his deceiving defeatism will fool The Gallery and make the ornaments fall, or can the Gallery find his lost guidance and make Alone kneel down to his desire.

Without the support of his bigger brother Of Melancholy Burning, Mine is the Grandeur lost all his grandeur, when The Mind's Eye showed him how does it feel inside, when you get kicked to the balls. Ouch!

On one of the most interesting matches of the night, Still Moving Sinews kept still moving, despite the heavy pummeling by Crimson Winds, who is driven by neverending force of hatred. Although Crimson Winds is unable to spell "nebulous" correctly without some help from his wise father, he seems to be able to resist those strange, magnetic eyes. But what happens if Still Moving Sinews comes up with such an attack that no-one survives..?

See you again next round!

-Villain (who likes sports - as long as he can just sit and enjoy, while the others do all the sweating)