Favorite hobbies other than music


Karate I practice Wado Ryu for almost 9 years now. I started in 1975 stopped around 1980 and started again in 2001. I also practice with nunchakus, the Bo and a tonfa. I also have been participating in competition karate a lot. Some of them full contact and on KO rules but I don't do that anymore. I also have been looking in on Ji-jutsu and Ai Ki Do


Philosophy & History:

The Neo-Aristotlian philosophy [Henry Veatch, Douglas den Uyl, Tibor Machan a.o.] and Ayn Rands Objectivism.

The history of ideas, The history of WWII.

Economic Theory:

The Austrian school [Carl Menger, Bohm Bawerk and Ludwig von Mises]


Desktop Modding with window blinds and other apps


Been to a lot of places among them China and the US. I want to go to Japan!