Favorite Lines


Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
well what are your favorite lines from Vintersorg?
mine is from "a dialouge with the stars"
the last line where he says:
And when I'm dead,this piece of jewellery will still remain

I think that is very good.maybe no one will agree but I don't really care

which line is your favorite?
"Med ravnakungens bävsamma kraft
Och styrka till sinnet av mjödets sötma
Vi skola handkraftas och dräpa
Himmelrikets svaglynta gesäll"

"Hillebard och slipat stål
Dränkta i det tunna kristemannablod
Vår naturdyrkan förenar tro och handling
Och himlens fall är vår frälsning"

From Hednaorden.
I have a coupple of fave line........from the next album...hehehehe*me teasing...NOO*

mr V
hehehe......as always, mr V is taking every opportunity to tease us :grin:

btw..I often happen find the titles of the songs alone rather...eh...inspiring. (?)
Might have to do with the fact I don't understand the whole lyrics too well :cry:
Vintersorg ---> Till Fjälls ---> Vildmarkens förtrollande Stämmor:

Med frihetstrånad och kämpande vid vittringsblock
Likt ärbar falk som skrämts på flykt
Solen förvandlar nu ytan till
ett smyckat lock
Snart återstundar den prakt som var förryckt
the enigmatic spirit it's a great song on itself
and one of my teachers likes vintersorg now because of the song dedicated to giordano bruno.my teacher is a bruno fan heh