Favorite Maiden B-Side or Cover.

Without a doubt, my favorite Iron Maiden B-side is co-written by Steve, Nicko and Bruce and engineered by Bruce...

"Mission From 'Arry." :grin:
HarrisWannabe said:
where would you get that song at?

Mission From 'Arry is the b-side of the Two Minutes to Midnight single. If anyone knows where I can get a copy of this on CD, please let me know. :) The track was recorded during the World Piece Tour somewhere in America. By the way, this B-side track is NOT a song, for those of you who have not heard it. For those who have not heard it, the back story goes like this:

There was a night during the World Piece Tour while Nicko was doing his drum solo when Steve Harris' bass rig mysteriously went out. Steve sent his tech (Michael Kenney?) at the time to find Nicko's tech to let him know to tell Nicko to extend his solo. Unfortunately, Nicko's tech couldn't be found and Steve's bass tech was forced to tell Nicko to extend the solo until he got the bass rig going again. (My memory is a little fuzzy on this. It's been a while since I've read Running Free, the official biography of the band and I don't know if the updated edition has this story in it. Anyway...)

Well, when Nicko was informed, the guy doing the informing was located about 3 feet or so from Nicko, waving their arms like a windmill trying to get Nicko's attention since they didn't know how to get near a man waving 15-inch hickory sticks in his hands and only proceeded to distract Nicko so much that he fucked up his solo in front of about 15,000 fans. Naturally, now that he's completely fucked up his solo in front of a capacity crowd, the bass rig gets back up and running on it's own and it's time to get back to the set. Nicko, now thoroughly pissed off that he's screwed up his solo, has the rest of the set to fume over what's happened and goes roadie hunting after the gig.

Nicko finds Steve's bass tech after the show and proceeds to start screaming at him for fucking up his moment of glory. Steve hears what's going on and says, "Don't yell at him! I sent him, it's my fault!" Nicko then proceeds to start yelling at Steve. Reportedly, the screaming going on was loud enough that the other members of the band could hear what was going on and what was being said behind the closed doors. When the whole thing was winding down, Bruce walked in with his Walkman and started stirring things back up. The recording lasts for about 6 minutes and is getting pretty tense when you hear the exact moment that Steve finds out Bruce is recording the whole thing with Steve's line, "Some cunt's recording this!" Right after that, you hear the tape go dead. What happened after that was Steve took out the tape, threw it on the ground and was just about to smash it with his foot when he gets knocked across the room by Bruce who has his ideas for the upcoming Powerslave LP on the other side of the tape.

Never mess with a fencer! :grin:
"Reach Out"
"Mission From 'arry"
"Sherif Of Huddersfield"
"Black Bart Blues"

Oh, and of course all the "Listen With Nicko" segments on the 10 years set.
