Favorite Melancholy Beast Song?

Jan 4, 2004
Just surious what your favorite songs are now that the album has had plenty of time to really set in? Just name three, and say what you like about each one. :kickass:
Mighty Abyss - the chorus, and the fast heavy riff after the slow intro
the Journey - Lance is the most diverse here, and the chorus is really fucking memorable "days go byyyyy, still I tryyyyy, to realizeee" love it
The rest of the songs I like equally all for different reasons, but these two are the ones that I always come back to
Power of Imagination, LEgend, and Forsaken Kingdom.

Power of Imagination, that intro, the bridge, the chorus, they make me have to go change my panties upon hearing them.

Legend has gorgeous guitar work and vocal lines but on Forsaken Kingdom, Lance really makes that chorus shine which is surprising considering its length.

It's such a solid album from start to finish. I honestly can't pick one song over another. Today my favorite is the title track, yesterday it was Legend.

I'm really anxious to see you guys live.