Favorite Morgana Lefay album?


somewhere nowhere
Jan 26, 2003
pittsburgh, pa
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State your favorite Morgana Lefay (or Lefay) album and give me a reason why and if you want, how you were introduced to the band. I'm especially interested in Robin's answer or any of the other band members on this board although everyone is encouraged to participate. I think this topic might get people to interact more.
I'm stuck on the "Symphony Of The Damned" album, dunno why though...but damn impressed that those old songs still "has it" so to speak.
I rehearsed next door to M.L years back...that's how I got introduced to "them"...
I think we had this topic a couple of times before but for converstation's sake, here we go again :grin:

My favourite is still the "Maleficium" album. I just think the concept thingy is cool.
I got into Morgana Lefay with the release of "The Secret Doctrine" though. If I remember correctly I read a review and checked them out because of that. And then I was lucky enough to see them live for the first time shortly afterwards in August 1994. I guess it was one of the first Morgana Lefay gigs in Germany. Holy cow, that was 10 years ago!!
My favorite is The Secret Doctrine...I think it has the best songs and some beautifully haunting ballads (last rites, alley of oaks, the mirror) I also love the drum sound on it, very loud and echo-y. I read a review in a magazine and called my local college radio show to play some songs, luckily they had it and I loved it and ordered The Secret Doctrine Immediatly.
Gaunerin said:
I think we had this topic a couple of times before but for converstation's sake, here we go again :grin:

My favourite is still the "Maleficium" album. I just think the concept thingy is cool.
I got into Morgana Lefay with the release of "The Secret Doctrine" though. If I remember correctly I read a review and checked them out because of that. And then I was lucky enough to see them live for the first time shortly afterwards in August 1994. I guess it was one of the first Morgana Lefay gigs in Germany. Holy cow, that was 10 years ago!!
It was about that time (1994) when I got into ML, seems odd almost 11 years have passed :yow:
I always had a hard time choosing between Maleficium, Symphony Of The Damned & S.O.S... I really dig SotD cause it has alot of thrash-influences (atleast I find it so) and Maleficium cause of its darker feel too it and S.O.S simply cause of its kick-ass songs... but I think Maleficium had me for longer times then any other Morgana Lefay album so I go with Maleficium
Hmmm. It's not easy to pick a favorite. I like them all for different reasons, but I guess if I *HAD* to pick one I'd say Maleficium. It was the first ML album that I owned, and it is one of the best concept albums that I have heard. On many concept albums, it is difficult to follow the story simply through the lyrics of the songs -- you often have to read along with whatever story is supplied in the liner notes. No so here -- the story is easily followed through the lyrics, and I like that. :worship:

hmmmm For now I have to say The Secret Doctrine .... but that could Change, I have Seventh Seal coming in the mail so ya never know ... I also really like SoS .. and The Fata Morgana Comp isnt bad :rock:
I think the best album is "Sanctified" ... Because it has songs like "Time is good" and "In The Court Of The Crimson King"