Difficult to scamp down your favourite movies to a certain amount of titles - here are SOME of them though!
(PS: Only one title by each director is allowed - or else it would be too fucking long a list!!!)
Funny Game (by Michael Haneke)
Down By Law (by Jim Jarmusch)
Breaking The Waves (by Lars Von Trier)
Faces (by John Cassavetes)
Blue Velvet (by David Lynch)
Manhattan (by Woody Allen)
The Station Agent (by Thomas McCarthy)
The Soft Skin (by Francois Trauffaut)
To Be Or Not To Be (by Ernst Lübitsch)
M (by Fritz Lang)
Eyes Wide Shut (by Stanley Kubrick)
Vetigo (by Alfred Hutchcock)
Brazil (by Terry Gilliam)
Midnight Cowboy (by John Schlesinger)
Once Upon A Time In The West (by Sergio Leone)
La Dolce Vita (by Federico Fellini)
Fear Eats The Soul (by Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
Alien (by Ridley Scott)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (by Tobe Hooper)
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (by Milos Forman)
Raging Bull (by Martin Scorsese)
City Lights (by Charlies Chaplin)
Crash (by David Cronenberg)
Network (by Sidney Lumet)
Magnolia (by P.T. Anderson)
- just to mention some of them!
Every single movie is highly recommended and stands the test even after the 10'th viewing. All masterpieces!!!
Now go and enjoy!!!