Favorite movies

In no particular order except the first one is my favorite.

#1. Lord of the Rings (to me it is really one movie)
the original Star Wars
Indiana Jones trilogy
Dazed and Confused
Batman (1989) and Batman Begins
Sin City
Spider-man 1 and 2
everything by Tarantino
Fight Club
Xmen 1 and 2
the Kevin Smith movies with Jay and Silent Bob
Saving Private Ryan
the original King Kong (can't wait for the new one)
Clash of the Titans (cheesy but fun)
Blade 1 and 2 (3 wasn't that great)
Superman 1 & 2 (oh hell, ok, 3 and might as well throw 4 in too)
Fistful of Dollars, Few Dollars More, Good Bad and Ugly, Once Upon a Time in the West
High Noon
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the first one was good damn it!)
Godfather 1 & 2
Back to the Future trilogy
Apocolypse Now
Enter the Dragon
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
House of Flying Daggers
Ghostbusters 1 & 2
Animal House
Hulk (I thought it was pretty good, it got into the psychological aspect of things)
Matrix (1st one, 2 and 3 were subpar but ok)

Had enough yet? No? Ok.

Just kidding. I think thats enough to give you an idea. I don't know if I could ever stop.
pink floyd, the wall
wayne's world
wayne's world 2
rock star
Howard stern, private parts
napoleon dynimite
the exorcist
the 2 dvd set of led zeppelin shows
motley crue, lewd, crude, & tattooed
(soon to come) motley crue Red White & Crue tour dvd
def leppard, hysteria
A Bronx Tale
True Romance
The Usual Suspects
Some Kind Of Monster
Most of Adam Sandlers movies
Pulp Fiction
Napoleon Dynamite
Wedding Crashers
Boondock Saints
Blue Streak
Man On Fire
FUCK, i still have to see clockwork orange. Has anyone seen "the dice man"? At the gates mention it in the slaughter of the soul booklet, so i wanted to chase it up.

Anyway for movies i have seen
Cannibal the musical (snowman song \m/)
Evil Dead 3
Dumb and dumber (the second one rules too)
Shaolin soccer
Anything jim carey
Dodge ball (for ben stiller)
Anchor man (for BRICK)

And 'Saw', has anyone seen this yet?
Apocolypse Now
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Super Troopers
Boondock Saints

And heaps more I cannot think of now...

Speaking of "Saw" I used to be best friends with the sister of the bloke who made that movie, back when we were both in grade 3 and 4. I can remember he had an endless catalogue of horror flicks and we both used to sit and watch them after school, I think I saw just about every obscure horror movie out there before I was 12 years old!

I wish I had of stayed in touch with her, they've got a bit of money now thanks to that film ;).
The Matrix trilogy
Terminator II
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Lion King
Manchurian candidate
Changing lanes
Fight Club
The Game
Requiem For A Dream
The Abyss
Army Of Darkness
Indiana Jones Trilogy
Matrix Trilogy
Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure I + II
Donnie Darko
Salton Sea
Ace Ventura

+ a bunch of others...
Difficult to scamp down your favourite movies to a certain amount of titles - here are SOME of them though!
(PS: Only one title by each director is allowed - or else it would be too fucking long a list!!!)

Funny Game (by Michael Haneke)
Down By Law (by Jim Jarmusch)
Breaking The Waves (by Lars Von Trier)
Faces (by John Cassavetes)
Blue Velvet (by David Lynch)
Manhattan (by Woody Allen)
The Station Agent (by Thomas McCarthy)
The Soft Skin (by Francois Trauffaut)
To Be Or Not To Be (by Ernst Lübitsch)
M (by Fritz Lang)
Eyes Wide Shut (by Stanley Kubrick)
Vetigo (by Alfred Hutchcock)
Brazil (by Terry Gilliam)
Midnight Cowboy (by John Schlesinger)
Once Upon A Time In The West (by Sergio Leone)
La Dolce Vita (by Federico Fellini)
Fear Eats The Soul (by Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
Alien (by Ridley Scott)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (by Tobe Hooper)
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (by Milos Forman)
Raging Bull (by Martin Scorsese)
City Lights (by Charlies Chaplin)
Crash (by David Cronenberg)
Network (by Sidney Lumet)
Magnolia (by P.T. Anderson)

- just to mention some of them!

Every single movie is highly recommended and stands the test even after the 10'th viewing. All masterpieces!!!

Now go and enjoy!!! :dopey: