favorite Odin's Court song?

Wow. Looks like a split between PL:CH1 and UR. That's funny. It used to be split between PL:CH1 and D2C. It's nice to see people who care enough to have a favorite. Thanks everyone!

@Terminal Frost - I bet you like "Surreal Contemplations" better than "Utopian Rust" (it's very "Floyd"), though they are connected.
OdinsCourt said:
Wow. Looks like a split between PL:CH1 and UR. That's funny. It used to be split between PL:CH1 and D2C. It's nice to see people who care enough to have a favorite. Thanks everyone!

@Terminal Frost - I bet you like "Surreal Contemplations" better than "Utopian Rust" (it's very "Floyd"), though they are connected.

Yeah, I connect the two in my mind.
OdinsCourt said:
Yep, from my 2nd favorite Sabbath album Tyr. I honestly didn't have that song in mind when I came up with the name. Of course, I later realized. Regardless, I like it.

It came to mind to me today because you have 'Valhalla' underneath your screenname, and that's the song that follows "Odin's Court" on _Tyr_ (very awesome and underrated album, definitely!)

-- Brett
Mine is Paradise Lost. I think it's because of the keys in that song. Totally amazing. Of course, I only have the demo, but patiently waiting for the arrival of the official CD. Cant wait! :)

After hearing the album a couple of times the song that I found most amazing is Utopian Rust. I also like Shadow Dust a lot, somehow it reminds me of Judas Priest.