favorite overkill album?


Nov 4, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
overkill has always been one of my top bands, but ive been in a huge overkill mood lately. how kick ass they truly are! so, jsut wondering, what all of your favorite's from them might be.

its very ahrd, but From The Ungerground And Below may be mine. It Lives, Long Time Dyin, theres an A+ album minus the other 8 tracks. with them, damn its good.
Damn... Years of Decay got me into Overkill (and is a big reason that Thrash is my favorite music), but Under The Influence gets the most spins from me...

I'm gonna say Under The Influence, which BARELY edges out Years of Decay. Following that would probably be W.F.O.
Mine's a toss up between "From the Underground....." and "Years of Decay".

I should've seen Overkill last week, but Hurricane Rita cancelled the show!
Two way tie for me, Feel the Fire and Taking Over. Those albums carried me through much of the late 80s and early 90s when it came to killer thrash. They still please my ears today, not to mention bring back pleasant memories.

NP: Symphorce - Godspeed
Years of Decay :kickass: Followed by Taking Over and Feel the Fire, thrash classics in their own right IMO.

Among the recent albums I'd go for From the Underground and Below or Killbox.
Definately Taking Over.

First Overkill record I heard and still can't get enough of it.

The Years Of Decay is a close second followed by Feel The Fire in third place
"Coverkill" . As you may guess I'm not a fan of the band :lol:
anything with Bobby Gustafson on it.....IMO they weren't as good musically after he left (but having said that, I LOVE Killbox and RelixIV)
i'm a longtime fan of these great thrashers as well! if i HAD to pick a fave and the one i find myself listening to the most:"feel the fire".the first one is just so fucking good!!!!!!!!!!
I would have to make a choice between Feel the fire, Taking over and Bloodletting. But you know what? I am not gonna do that. I simply am unable to do it. Among those 3 I could name any one of those on any day.
I'll have to go with 'Years of Decay' on this one. I really like most of their releases, but this is a notch above the rest for me.