Oldschool band- New album


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
Lately there have been releases from 80 thrash bands such as Exodus, Overkill, Metallica, Agent Steel...and so on.
The only ones ive managed to get a copy of so far are the Overkill and (stupidly) Metallica. Both these bands have turned from thrash masters, to downtuned bullshit that is nowhere near as awsome as their earlier stuff.
Is there/ are there any bands (even those who i mentioned but havent heard) that have kept up the 80's thrash style without the downtuning? its realy starting to piss me off.
Thanx for any help

Daniel \m/ (trying to keep it real)

PS- i dont mind downtuning, just not in thrash (Unless its only slight). Keep the "Droped D down one step" to the melo-death
I don't think there are many bands that are doing that. You have to remember that when singers get older, their voice gets deeper. Look at Halford, Ozzy and Testament. In the 80's each singer had great high voices, but now not to test the range and risk any throat problems, the guitars must tune down. This is not the same for every singer however, look at Dio and Bruce. Dio is 64 years old and plays at normal tuning, but he is not always singing in a very high pitch, although powerful, not always high. Bruce is just in a class all his own so we just wont talk about him. Any way, James' voice has gotten alot deeper than it was when Puppets came out and thats one of the reasons that they play half a step to a full step down.